Our democracies are flawed in so many ways. Some of the major primary faults include but are not limited to:
#1. Representatives fail to represent " the will of the people".
#2. party politics monopolizes power away from citizens
#3. voters only interact once every four years (democracy should start not end election day)
#4. Our laws allow for money to influence policy making rather than the direct "will of the people"
#5. Our laws also allow corporate money to play a major role in helping candidates win elections
These symptoms are due to a blatant omission of our right to democratically influence our government representative. Society needs a layer of direct democracy to properly measure and aggregate the directive of the electorate. The constitutions of many countries support the various mechanisms for direct democracy. We remain oblivious to the tremendous power that is inherent to all citizens.
Number 4 is a hard one to break, but for #5 if you look to laws in the UK they have real limits on how much each person running can get.Well there are two words to answer #1-3 and that is: Term Limits!