If there is a childhood torture, future health problems are created

in #blog7 years ago


The impact of torture on children is long-term.
Persecution or oppression have a profound effect on human psychology. However, it has more impact on children. A recent study found that those who were victims of childhood have been abused, they suffer from health problems in the future.

According to a report by the Economist, the effects of child abuse are long-term. Children who are neglected or abused may suffer from various mental problems, such as depression, even after growing up. Problems like cancer or stroke are also created from this. Its effects are longer-term. Recently researchers have found that the effects of childhood abuse can flow for generations. From the victim's child to the grandchildren, it can be victimized.
It is not known exactly how it happened. Because, it seems difficult to run complex tests on humans, researchers say. For this, they run tests on mice. However, Tufts University researcher Larry Feig and his colleagues researched the people this time. They have noticed that mental stress is a change in the sperm of humans, just like a mouse.

The research-related articles have been published in the 'Transitional Psychiatric' magazine.

Researchers say that through genes various features are transferred to different species. Gene has protein signals and proteins contain biological signals. It is believed to be true. But there are many things beyond this. This biological chemical regulates the lifetime of the gene. In order to enable different conditions, these genes play a role in enabling or disabling them. Such episenetic events can happen. This may have any event in animal life, which can be transferred to its offspring.
গবেষক ফেইগ তাঁর গবেষণার জন্য ২৮ জন পুরুষ স্বেচ্ছাসেবীর কাছ থেকে তাঁদের ছেলেবেলার ভয়াবহ অভিজ্ঞতার কথা শোনেন। তাঁদের কাছ থেকে শুক্রাণু সংগ্রহ করেন। তাঁরা এরপর মাইক্রো আরএনএ নিয়ে তাতে সাধারণ এপিজেনিটিক পদ্ধতির খোঁজ করেন। এরপর গবেষকেরা ইঁদুরের ওপরেও গবেষণা চালান।

গবেষক ফেইগ দেখেন, চাপে থাকা পুরুষ ইঁদুরের মেয়েশিশু বেশি উদ্বেগে ভোগ এবং কম মিশুক হয়। চাপে থাকা বাবার সন্তানেরাও চাপে থাকা মেয়েশিশুর জন্ম দেয়। তিন প্রজন্ম পর্যন্ত প্রভাব থাকে।
প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ে এ ফল পাওয়ার পর গবেষকেরা এ নিয়ে আরও বিস্তারিত গবেষণা করার পরিকল্পনা করছেন।