Bonehead Doctor States - "You Could Kill a Bus load of Kids"

in #blog9 years ago

"Don't You Dare Drive!!" He Yelled as he threatened to take my car keys.. 

Last week I went to a routine visit to get my pacemaker checked.  I say it was routine, because I am used to getting these done.  However for the past 5 yrs, I haven't been seen by a doc because I didn't have insurance.  And when I finally got O'Crappy Care (Obama Care).. I knew it was going to still cost me an arm and leg.. but I had better get checked out anyways.  

I arrived at the docs and went in.  A young tech put the interrogation device over my pacemaker and began to read it on the screen.  His face immediately flushed, first it went white and then red.  He began to sweat profusely and I saw his hands begin to tremor.  I was a little on edge myself and then he asked me some questions before telling me that my device had entered EOL (End of Life) in Sept. 2014.  

He said that he still saw a slight bit of pacing going on.. but he looked at me with wonder in his eyes and said "I don't know how you are still here.. you should be dead".  I was thinking.. WTF!  I asked what he meant and he said that I was pacemaker dependent and I told him that I wasn't.. but he proceeded to tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about.  He then got a doctor who was in the office and the doc took me into a room and told me the same.. that my pacemaker had died two yrs ago and it was a miracle that I was standing in front of them.  He said that I needed to go to the hospital immediately.. and when I told him that I would drive up there.. he said something that I rank up at the top of the dumbest thing I have ever had a doctor say to me.  He said "Don't you dare drive, what if you passed out at the wheel and hit a school bus full of kids and you killed them all, how would that make you feel?".  I looked at him flabbergasted.. and again told him that 2+2 = 4 and if I was really pacemaker dependent.. then I would have indeed died two years ago when this thing malfunctioned..  he refused to listen to me and told me that the hospital was waiting for me.  

I was released last night.. and sent home.  The good docs there realized that I wasn't dependent on my pacer and in fact.. since I have lived without it functioning for two yrs.. I may no longer have need of a new one being implanted.  

It just blew my mind that someone would say such a thing to a person.. especially someone that is nervous and bit freaked out realizing that the thing that he counted on for security and self preservation had actually not been working for nearly two years...  


I upvote U

That's why they call it a practice.