3 Reasons Why You Will Never Have Time.

in #blog6 years ago

Time! Time!! Time!!!. This thing called time has never, is not and will never be enough to do everything we want to accomplish in a day. This insufficiency sometimes leads to procrastination. I am a typical example of someone who is very fond of procrastinating because I feel there’s still time then at the dying minute, I begin to rush and put myself under unnecessary pressure.

A friend of mine sometime last month asked me a couple of questions concerning myself and my blog (particularly why I hadn’t done certain things) and I gave her the excuse of not having time and waiting for the right time to do it. “Debbie, if you continue this way, you will never accomplish that thing because you will never have the time nor will the right time come reason being that more responsibilities and things will keep popping up” was her reply. It then dawned on me that I really will never have time and I’ll be sharing three reasons why.

  1. 24 Hours is Not Just Enough: You will agree with me that 24 hours is never enough to do everything we want to do in a day. Sometimes we have to be awake until wee (early) hours of the next day to finish our work. Within 24 hours we are expected to sleep, work, cook, eat, have fun, relax, exercise and do a whole lot more. Often times, the period of hours allocated for each of these activities exceeds and before you know it, the day is gone.

  2. Responsibilities Come Alongside Growth: As we grow physically, emotionally and spiritually, a lot of responsibilities come alongside. There’s a saying that “to who much is given, much is expected forward in life, we have certain standards, dreams change, aspirations increase and to be honest, time reduces so all in all, we will never have time with growth.

  3. You Have Not Created It: If we keep waiting for the right time of day to carry out a certain plan, we may end up dying without achieving anything. Instead of waiting for when Start now! Create time! because you will NEVER have time.

Conclusively, life is too short to not try to achieve what we want to achieve. It’s too short to not love who we love. It’s too short to not purchase that thing you want so bad and been saving up for. It’s too short to hold someone in anger or spite. So make out time to do what you want to do before there’s no time at all.
