It is like a United Nations. I have pipe dreams that cryptocurrency breaks down borders, in the only non new world order way possible. With blockchains. So we can have world currencies that aren't backed and manipulated by a few greedy people. New world order in the peoples terms without the new world order and their agenda 21. I hope you did make a post about this. Then I can read it when I get off work!I have been here for a good amount of time. I used to post more often, run contests, and do random steemgigs more often. Just gotta dive into all things community around here.
I'm glad your here, you are still here early. Not even a million accounts have been made yet. So just keep enjoying it, find the happy amount so you don't get burnt out.. and learn everything you can from everyone around here, helping where you can.. like with this comment. Thanks yo, you are appreciated!
Yes, thanks for the informitive reply, well I realized I could trade steem or SPDs on steemit with anyone in the world instantly, so that is bypassing fiat and borders right now!....I guess you knew that but that is such
a beautiful thing..many countries not all. Thanks for your encouragement. Right now I am writing a "fiction"...series about women that take on the dark pedo class...its a cathartic exercise, that I can stick a whole lot of free flowing Ideas around..
And yes,I pull my head out of my screen for some air and sunshine....
appreciation forward×