There was a time when every coin was up 100% in a week, it wasn't that long ago.. During that time I'm sure many people were regretting not having better positions and more of this coin or that coin. Now the market is bearish and all those coins are actually affordable again after the recent dip. This is your time to get those positions you thought you would never be able to achieve. Sure its not going to be as cheap as if you were buying 4 months ago, but this time next year these prices will more than likely be a dream. If your sitting on the sidelines wondering if you should swing for the fences, stop wondering and do it. Do it before the bullish markets return.
As you choose the coins you want to take a swing and and buy a position in.. Do your due diligence and approach these coins knowing that not all of them will survive. You need to pick the ones that will survive. When people compare this to the dotcom boom, they have a valid point. You have to note though, that the companies that did survive the dotcom boom went on to make many a millionaire and they changed the face of business.. There will be many blockchain projects that come through and do the same thing. Make sure as your picking your long HODLs that you look at the coins from that angle. Which coins will change the face of business or the internet. Which coins will flourish in the future. In the short term you can make gains from any coin out there, but not every coin will survive. So just try to pick the winners.

I have been very bullish on EOS. I really want to be a part of the genesis block. I really want to hold my EOS and get the sweet airdropped coins that are coming. However, I am an American who bought the EOS on an exchange. All signs seem to indicate that I will need to sell my EOS before the blockchain launches because as an American I cannot register my Ethereum address and get my real EOS tokens when the blockchain launches. When the majority of US citizens realize this, there will probably be a big selloff. It sucks that as an American I cannot participate in the EOS blockhain that is made in America. I hope there is a workaround, because I would like to hold and support EOS, but it appears they don't want U.S. support. Beyond Bitcoin will be addressing this on youtube today at some point. I look forward to hearing what Fuzzy has to say. If there is a way I can keep my EOS, I will definitely do it. Otherwise its time for me to sell these coins and grab a coin that will accept my support until I can buy real EOS on an exchange. Even if I miss the Airdropped IQ tokens.
Sucks that the most free country in the world has such harsh limitations on investing in an American made blockchain.
If I could do it easily, I would give America up to be able to keep my EOS tokens lol. Unfortunately I would need to sell all my EOS to get money to pay for citizenship elsewhere, and even then I still wouldn't have enough to move out of this country. The struggle is real.
If someone could tell me there is a way to keep them, and then point me to the place where i can learn how. My year would be made..
Woot woot,
I'm just starting to get my head around EOS, and have joined the community channel. Of course I'm a big advocate of Steem and BitShares which has been my main focus until now. Looking to expand and try to keep up with all 3!
Worth looking into. EOS is like an upgraded Steem that is like an upgraded bitshares as far as blockchains go. Since then bitshares upgraded to so it's on par with Steem.. EOS will outperform them both, and enable applications (like Steem and bitshares) to be built much easier.
I guess you like EOS more than Steem?
As a non-trader, I wouldn't know one coin from the other!
As a non-gambler, I hold only the Steem I earned, so I've got all my eggs in one basket. I'm rooting for Steem to do like Bitcoin and make us all rich!
I like Steem and EOS. if I had to pick one. EOS will be capable of achieving more in the end. Its created by the creator of Steem. So I would choose EOS probably. With that being said I expect Steem to be very succesful as a social media type coin. EOS will do everything. Smart contracts like Ethereum, Storage like Siacoin, no fees. They have a more general use blockchain with billions of dollars to spend making EOS what it should be.. I think you are safe with this basket though Happyme, at least in the near future!
When you say "achieving more" do you mean in terms of growth of value or in terms of other uses? I see a coin like money and it doesn't achieve anything on its own. It is just a tool to be used. With Steem at least there is a social aspect to it as well as the monetary value. What would EOS have besides value? Or is there way too much to tell and I need to go do some research on it?
Both. It will be the fastest, easiest to use blockchain ever. Dan L made Steem and Bitshares, and now hes making EOS so he can streamline most of the work creating Steem and Bitshares so others can focus on the applications and have the backend Steem and Bitshares has built in. So I think it will grow in value more, and it will be much more used in the end.. The first sharedrop EOS is doing is Everipedia's IQ token. So you can make wikipedia style updates there and get paid in IQ tokens, thats a good start.. and they have 1 billion dollars to fund applications built on EOS, so lots of applications will come because they can get funded on EOS, and they will come because EOS can handle huge transactions per second compared to other blockchains.. You will be able to rent your EOS out like you delegate steem power. I am mostly holding for all the good coins who instead of having ICO's will get sharedropped onto EOS. As well as just because I think EOS will be the best of the third generation blockchains, they have the tech, they have the money, they have the partnerships. I don't think they can be stopped
That's all interesting stuff. But in the end, are any of the blockchain systems sustainable? The way I understand it, each blockchain is run on servers by people who get paid to run the servers. If the incentive to host these servers runs out, the entire blockchain ecosystem dies. That makes all the coins only a temporary item that is speculated upon and then when the hype dries up, the coin will die. I have posed this idea several times and so far nobody has said that I'm incorrect or that this situation has been overcome.
Well Steem, EOS and ethereum are uncapped so new coins get created to pay them. If people decide it's worth nothing you are right. It could dry up and die. Blockchains are very useful however. Even people that mock Bitcoin still praise blockchains.. can you name one thing that would survive not having any hype or anyone use it? That's not only with blockchain things, if Starbucks was all of a sudden gross and people stopped going, Starbucks would die right? Blockchains are a way for large companies to reduce overhead. Eliminate their server buildings, make everything auditable and trackable. For a fraction of the cost they spend currently. Does Steem spend more or does Reddit spend more hosting their servers? Blockchains are an underlying technology. If blockchains are somehow more expensive and less useful than current methods of doing what blockchains can do, then you are right.
Steem may not be capped, but there is a declining inflation rate, so over time, less and less will be produced. At some point there will be so little produced that mining (or witnessing) becomes impractical. At least that is my understanding of it. I can't speak about EOS nor Etherium, because I know nothing about them.
OK, here's where my lack of knowledge shows through: What is the difference between data stored on a normal server and data stored on a server using blockchain technology? Where would the savings come into play? I would think that since the blockchain must store everything in a long chain, it would be analogous to an ever-growing zip file. With a normal server, the date-stamps of the files saved would serve for audit and tracking, wouldn't it?
I agree with what you say about Starbucks, but I'm not thinking that the coffee would start tasting bad. Instead I'm thinking that the supply of coffee begins to run out, so the COST of the coffee becomes unreasonably high.
It was something I noticed when trying to buy EOS.. The limitation is both for americans and chinese. I don't understand why.
Back to the topic, how would they know you are american? Do you need to verify data to register the tokens?
Im not sure the level of KYC that will be required. I am hoping this is what BeyondBitcoin clarifies tonight. I have got a lot of people to buy EOS. I need to show them how to register their tokens, or tell them they need to sell them. I just don't want to VPN and register an address to put my coins in just to find out my coins are stuck because they need ID or something. I have a pretty large investment in EOS currently and I don't want to risk locking it up just to have it become unusable.
Its for the US and Chinese because they have harsh laws and regulations and its more safe for them to just not allow investors from those countries then to try to jump through all the required hoops.
I'm with ya bud. How can we hold the massive state accountable to our rights?
Once our crypto goes up.. We can just all pitch in and buy a piece of some other country and form our own country, where we can leave everyone alone lol!
Or a massive blockchain effort will take place to bail out / buy out the govts of the world similarly to how slaves were freed in many countries. Pay off the previous masters.
Man that would be a great concept for a fiction book. 1984 with hope!
I screenshotted this thread in case i ever write it, i can credit you brother
I'm also living in the US and i own a small amount of EOS. I was planning on buying more later this week, until i ran into ur post. I'm following ur blog and will be back to get updates.
Keep buying it, it will go up more by the time the blockchain launches and if it turns out that we can keep the EOS we bought off an exchange and register it for the Genesis block as well as get airdropped tokens too then buying more will be more worth it then even just the short term price increase
If the taxman had his claws in EOS , I don't think we would have the roadblocks. I think the EOS platform will be superior to Steems and I intend to get into the former. Steem has a vibrant, established & growing social media site ( I must credit my wife with this point) with name recognition and experience. Both coins have a bright future in my opinion.
EOS newsletter had an impacting article.
Yes. I'm sold on EOS already. I also like the Steem blockchain. I think as far as cryptos go they are both keepers. Lots of coins will die, once they don't have a yse and they lose support. Steem has a use, and EOS will too.. niether of them will lose support. Dan l the coder who made Steem and is making EOS is just to good at what he does
great...i just litereally converted some of my other coins to eos then find this out...looks like i might be selling them, i only have a couple at the time of this writing, but still, not being able to invest into something because of the hard laws. looks like steem will be my biggest investment.
thanks for sharing
Ohh wait it out a bit longer. EOS surely will be one of the best coins in the future. And I owuldnt t want you to sell one of the best coins there are when we can probably just use a VPN to register our ethereum address. I still at this point am not sure if they will do more KYC thank blocking US IPs. If they don't we can get around it pretty easy
Well, I'm not selling just yet, but the idea of not being able to take part of the swap would really suck and wasted money. But vpn would work too. lol I'll hang out a little longer. I decided to get a few more before that price goes back up. holding for the time being....
Good move and yes it would suck. I think if worst comes to worst. We can sell the tokens to someone who could convert them to real coins.. They are working on a way to be able to transfer coins even after the blockchain launches.. In beyond bitcoins stream yesterday, they made it seem like we could just VPN and map our keys to our ethereum address and that might be all we need to do. I am still actively trying to find out and I will let you know when I know more
much appreciated thank you! I see that eos is picking up some steam. I think it has a long way to go. Really think there will be serious value added to eos over the next few months.
it is really sad that not allowing Americans to invest on American project. thank god I am not restricted. thanx for the valuable information bro :)
Puff you gotta think out of the box man. Do like I did and marry a foreigner, Japanese in my case. I just have her buy tokens like EOS!
Haha, you are on point there. Marrying a foreigner has to be cheaper than getting citizenship elsewhere lol!
Yup and you can just get a green card without giving up your citizenship. Best of both worlds!
it sucks my friend it really does.i hope there is a workaround this for your sake, i can feel the passion you have for eos.
Like your blog bro thanks for this information @drpuffnstuff