Stock-Options Trading Ideas for 09/13/2017

in #blog7 years ago

Below are a list of trade ideas that I would like to share for 09/13/2017:

My trade ideas include [Bullish Options Trades] and [Bearish Options Trades].

Please remember, these are just trading ideas as I am not a Certified Financial Advisor (CFA) but an normal investor/trader like you who trades for a living, LOL.

Good Luck to All and Enjoy your day!

Bullish Options Trades:

Symbol  OptionStrikePrice  CallBuyPrice  CallOptionStopLoss  CallSellPrice  OptionsExpirationDate #_Of_Options_Recommended_For_Purchase  BestBuyCategory 
ICPT96.503.372.026.4509/15/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
ICPT96.504.762.867.7109/22/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
ICPT96.505.843.508.7409/29/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
ICPT97.005.803.488.6410/06/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
ICPT95.007.364.4110.4110/13/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
ICPT95.007.184.3110.2410/20/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
ICPT95.008.685.2111.6910/27/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
AMBA45.500.690.622.4009/15/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
AMBA45.501.241.122.7409/22/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
AMBA45.501.521.372.9709/29/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
AMBA45.501.781.603.2010/06/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
AMBA46.001.771.593.0810/13/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
AMBA45.002.462.223.9310/20/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
AMBA45.502.492.253.8710/27/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
BABA175.001.100.998.8609/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BABA175.002.572.319.1209/22/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY CALLS
CMG307.502.982.6815.0609/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CMG307.505.685.1116.2509/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CMG307.507.576.8117.5909/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CMG307.509.218.2918.9310/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CMG307.5010.549.4820.0910/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CMG305.0013.6912.3223.5210/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CMG307.5015.6314.0724.8210/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
C68.500.450.403.4309/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
C68.500.880.793.5009/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
C68.501.151.033.6209/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
C68.501.361.223.7410/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
C68.501.701.533.9810/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
C67.502.462.224.9410/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
C68.502.021.824.2310/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
GS225.001.100.9910.4709/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
GS225.002.622.3610.7809/22/201750 - 75 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
GS225.003.473.1211.2109/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
GS225.004.193.7711.6810/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
GS225.004.854.3712.1610/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
GS225.006.105.4913.1710/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
GS225.006.525.8713.5210/27/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MS45.500.670.612.4009/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MS45.500.880.802.5009/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MS45.501.040.942.6010/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MS45.501.211.092.7310/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MS46. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MS45.501.561.403.0110/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
SYNA40.001.030.932.4209/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
SYNA40.001.431.282.7309/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
SYNA40.001.701.532.9709/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
SYNA40.002.011.813.2510/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
SYNA40.002.322.093.5410/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
SYNA40.002.722.453.9310/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
SYNA40.004.013.615.2010/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NUGT39.000.840.752.1509/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NUGT39.001.861.673.0309/22/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NUGT39.002.512.263.6609/29/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NUGT39.002.922.634.0710/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NUGT39.003.433.094.5710/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NUGT39.003.693.324.8310/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NUGT39.004.093.685.2410/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
WDC88. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
WDC88.002.201.985.1809/22/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
WDC88.002.692.425.5609/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
WDC88.003.062.765.8710/06/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BABA175.003.493.149.6109/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BABA175.004.263.8410.1410/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BABA175.005.024.5210.7210/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BABA175.005.735.1611.3110/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BABA175.006.836.1512.2810/27/201725 - 45 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BAC23.500.290.261.3909/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BAC23.500.480.431.4209/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BAC23.500.590.531.4709/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BAC23.500.670.611.5210/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BAC23.500.800.721.6110/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BAC24.000.580.521.2610/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BAC23.500.930.841.7210/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DIA221.000.620.612.6009/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DIA221.000.960.952.6809/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DIA221.001.341.332.9009/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DIA221.001.691.683.1610/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DIA221. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DIA221.002.392.373.7610/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DIA221.002.702.674.0410/27/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JNUG22.500.750.671.4509/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
PXD130.001.080.986.3209/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
PXD130.002.181.966.7209/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
PXD130.002.962.667.2409/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
PXD130.003.573.227.7310/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
PXD130.004.093.688.1610/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
WDC88.003.473.126.2310/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
WDC87.504.023.616.8410/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
WDC88.004.684.217.3510/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BIDU237.501.421.2810.6309/15/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY CALLS
BIDU237.503.593.2311.5109/22/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BIDU237.504.794.3112.3709/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BIDU237.506.015.4113.3610/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BIDU237.507.036.3214.2410/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BIDU240.006.655.9913.2610/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
BIDU237.5011.019.9117.9610/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JNUG22.501.461.322.1309/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JNUG22.501.841.652.5009/29/2017BUY CALLS
JNUG22.502.252.032.9110/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JNUG22.502.472.223.1310/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JNUG22.003.072.763.7710/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JNUG22.503.032.733.7010/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JPM90.500.460.414.5609/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JPM90.500.940.844.5909/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JPM90.501.311.184.7009/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JPM90.501.491.344.7910/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JPM90.501.761.584.9410/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JPM90.002.171.955.4510/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
JPM90.502.091.885.1610/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MS45.500.380.352.3409/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
PXD130.004.594.138.6110/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
PXD130.005.204.689.1610/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS

Bearish Options Trades:

Symbol  OptionStrikePrice  PutBuyPrice  PutOptionStopLoss  PutSellPrice  OptionsExpirationDate #_Of_Options_Recommended_For_Purchase  BestBuyCategory 
GPRO11. - 45 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
GPRO11.000.430.380.8909/22/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
GPRO11.000.570.521.0009/29/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
GPRO11.000.610.551.0310/06/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
GPRO11.000.750.671.1510/13/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
GPRO11.000.810.731.2110/20/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
GPRO11.002.312.082.6210/27/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
CVX113.000.660.606.2909/15/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
CVX113. Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
CVX113.001.411.276.2909/29/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
CVX113.001.681.516.3310/06/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
CVX113.001.901.716.3810/13/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
CVX115.003.242.928.3110/20/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
CVX113.002.552.306.6710/27/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
FB172.500.510.468.5609/15/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
FB172.501.391.258.5909/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
NDX6000.0019.6019.4167.2209/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
PCLN1872.5044.5840.12110.3110/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
QQQ146.000.410.401.3709/15/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
QQQ146. Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
QQQ146.001.391.372.2009/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
QQQ146.001.701.692.5010/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
QQQ146. Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
QQQ146.002.332.313.1110/20/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
QQQ146.002.622.603.3910/27/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AMZN982.5035.7032.1364.9310/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
CF32.500.540.482.0809/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
CF32.500.880.792.2109/22/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
CF32.501.070.972.3309/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
CF32.501.291.162.4910/06/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
CF32.501.411.272.5810/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
CF32.501.571.412.7010/20/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
CF32.501.761.582.8610/27/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HIMX11. Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HIMX11.000.560.501.1009/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HIMX11.000.620.561.1609/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HIMX11.000.830.741.3410/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HIMX11.001.030.921.5210/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HIMX11.000.880.791.3910/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HIMX11.001.080.971.5710/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
PCLN1872.5025.1322.62101.4609/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
PCLN1872.5029.8426.85102.8310/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
PCLN1872.5034.3830.95104.6910/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
PCLN1870.0037.8334.05104.9310/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.001.591.438.9609/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.003.282.959.4509/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.003.933.549.8209/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.004.363.9310.0910/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.005.074.5710.5910/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.005.585.0210.9810/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.008.477.6213.4110/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AMZN982.504.934.4349.3509/15/201750 - 75 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FB172.502.021.828.7409/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FB172.502.562.318.9610/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FB172.503.102.799.2410/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FB175.004.804.3211.6110/20/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
FB172.505.284.7510.8210/27/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
NDX6000.0041.2040.7980.6909/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
NDX6000.005.855.7964.6609/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
NDX6000.0068.7168.02104.6510/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
NDX6000.007.147.0763.6110/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
NDX6000.007.637.5563.0910/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TEVA19.500.270.241.4409/15/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TEVA19.500.690.621.6509/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TEVA19.500.730.651.6809/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TEVA19.500.870.781.7910/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TEVA19.500.970.881.8710/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TEVA20.001.321.192.3110/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TEVA19.501.221.102.0810/27/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TSLA362.503.012.7018.7509/15/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
TSLA362.506.836.1520.0809/22/201750 - 75 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TSLA362.509.428.4721.7609/29/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TSLA362.5011.9010.7123.6610/06/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AMZN982.5010.109.0949.5109/22/201725 - 45 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AMZN982.5014.5813.1350.6609/29/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AMZN982.5018.0316.2252.2110/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AMZN982.5021.0418.9453.9310/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AMZN985.0025.0522.5557.7210/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
NDX6000.00105.90104.84139.8110/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
PCLN1872.5010.519.46100.4809/15/2017BUY PUTS
PCLN1872.5019.3817.44100.6009/22/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TSLA362.5013.7212.3525.1610/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
TSLA365.0016.5714.9128.2510/20/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
TSLA362.5019.2317.3029.9810/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS