book wen?

in #bloglast month

'cant think of anything to write about'
what a cop out
if u want to write,
you will
and it may not be your best stuff
and the critics will tell you
but the fans
the adoring fans
they will be happy
that you just did the thing
and who are you to disappoint them
you have a tale to tell
get it done
the days are numbered
don't count them, it will make you sad
just live them
(BTW, its 36500. you'd think it'd be more, right?)
88 words

were they good words?
i dont know
you tell me
make me do better

funny story
these few words
a mere jott-ance
in my head, formulating, procrastinating
3 hours
in practice... it likely took me the same to jot
as you to read
for i have been told
partake of the placing
of the vowels in utterance
almost as if to almost be thine internal dialogue
so to speak

wait'll i decide that streaming is definitely
my thing ( im dabbling atm, enriching in portions)
if ure anz region, im the guy that suggested
you put sour cream dip in your mash
anyways, thats my rant over
pony out