Vision – Wednesday Wisdom (Blog)

in #blog7 years ago

Vision is men’s greatest superpower. It is what separates us from animals, the ability to create a future ideal that is not yet real and watch as it becomes a reality. It is a vital necessity for the sustainability of the human race and the individual. We are the masters of this land because we are able to defeat wild life long before the battle takes place. Face to face with a lion the man loses but give a man time to visualize a plan to defeat the lion and he wins.

Vision is as important today as it was a thousand years ago. Although we face different challenges today than back then, it’s still challenging none the less and every challenge we face is overcome through planning. Only humans have this ability to plan years ahead because his vision enables him to see that further in his own life. He still has to make the decision to act in order to either change or ensure that his vision is realized.

With great power comes a great responsibility. The individual has to apply themselves to not lose the vision which they had seen for themselves. This is the single greatest responsibility which requires hard work and every other pursuit should fall under this vision. The decisions you make should be led by the question of whether or not this will help or divert from your vision. With so many distractions and temptations in the world, this can prove to be hard to the individual.

You may find yourself distracted and indulge on the temptations as they provide you with satisfaction but this satisfaction is only short term and will need to be replenished by another distraction before long. There is nothing more satisfying than reaching the peak of the mountain and seeing your vision as reality. Whichever is more important to you, only you can decide because no one else has your vision.

Note: Vision without hard work leads to desperation.

More on this in next weeks blog post see schedule here >

Thank you for reading,


nice post follow u and expected the same upvoted

Nice post! Following you... Take a look on my posts as well...

Thanks, will do.