The killer blog post its other means is how to write an valuable post that can helping to others. Also you can do some research program to get some knowledge to writing some knowledgeable topics for your blog. Many times i have visitedproblogger sites this time i am think why they are getting the success that we are not getting this time many are thinking that they are investing more but we are investing less that’s why we are different from them. Also many times seo is doing an greater work to increasing our blog topic value. Also traffic also differ from platforms like WordPress and Blogger both are now doing competitor to increasing their sites performance.
For writing an single post needed much more tips like researching other websites, researching upon keywords and researching upon search engine result. Also for writing an search engine friendly topic its also giving much more traffic than normal topics. For writing an seo friendly topics needed some smarter work like always give impotence of your topic title and topic first two line description because its forcing search engine visitors to coming your site. Anyway read the below some points to increase your writing skill.
SEO Friendly Topics
SEO or Search engine optimization is one of the best word for all search engines considering. Mainly for writing an seo friendly topic means don’t exceed your topic title form your topic link to getting huge amount of success. Also you can try our counting tool to easily use count your topic title. If you don’t looking upon it then you loosing 50% visitors that not come from search engines. Also sometime you posting your link to social media sites their also visitors looking upon your link if they are not find the value of your link then they have not visiting your site.
Normal Sentences
Basically your all blog visitors of 25% not well known technical words then if you writing some higher keywords that no one can understand then after they are reading your topic then they are forgetting your site. For best ways for writing is to using paragraphs and also you can use some short questions with answers or you can use single spaces lines with long description its giving you an higher success.
Popular Topics
Mostly for writing an single topic you need to research which topic is going to popular in Google search engine mostly you will finding social media topics are getting huge amount of traffic. Also some days normal topics are getting high traffic but now days all writers are in competitive mind to getting huge success than others. Also you can take look in yahoo search and also social media sites to analyzing yourself which topic is going to be getting more visitors from search engines.
Popular Keywords
Before thinking writing an popular topic you need to get some popular keywords for your topic title and your topic description for getting huge amount of success. Also for getting success you need to use in your tile like popular keywords Facebook, Google. Take a example using this keywords-Top 100 Google SEO Tips. If you wring like this an topic then imagine how much you getting visitors from search engines and social media sites. Also you can visit some popular sites to allocating popular keywords for your killer topic to getting higher success.
Ask Questions
While your topic ends then ask questions to your visitors to increase your comments of your topic. Then you can give some extra value to your topic and also use some popular questions to add in your topic and also if you are interested then you can answer their to getting much more amount of success.
ConclusionFor writing an killer topic its not an easy work you need to read other site topic very seriously to increase your knowledge. Also always comment other sites to prompt your site and also always active in social media sites to getting huge amount of success.
Sound advice thanks!