Who really does read the terms and conditions before clicking the "agree" button?? I have to be honest with you and admit that I have never read anything...
The funny thing is that I was raised being told by my parents to always be careful what I sign. And I do. I always read the whole thing before I put my signature on contracts and stuff. But since the "agree" button is not a signature -or at least it doesn't seem to be- I never, ever considered reading the endless terms and conditions... When in fact that "agree" button is even worse.
In social media we voluntarily give a ton of personal information that we choose to share with "our friends" but in reality we share those with everyone who needs to have access to them. And not only in social media but by using the net in general. Scary or not that's the reality nowadays.
The problem is those terms and conditions that we tend to neglect... What if we agree to give our left foot, our kidney or our family and friends when they need them? I know it sounds freaking surreal but don't we have to spend some time to actually see on what we agree to? All those personal data we input ourselves, are they safe? Is there a privacy policy that actually protects us?
Next time we should all take a more precise look at those before clicking the "agree" button... Cause who knows what may happen otherwise...

Images: http://southpark.cc.com/
This is one of the main flaws of the current legal construct. We are supposed to give informed consent, however, we "sign" an agreement, without reading it, because if we do not "sign" it, we cannot use the product that we want to use. We do not read it, because the agreements are purposefully long and tedious. What is supposed to be an agreement between to parties becomes a tool for manipulation.
That's exactly how it is and it is ridiculous! You couldn't describe it better actually!!
ειμαστε μεγαλοκαρδοι, χαριζουμε :P
lol ε βέεεβαια... :P απλόχερα όλα!
εμένα η μαμά μου, μου έλεγε "την υπογραφή σου και το π.... σου πρέπει να ξέρεις που τα βάζεις" :ppp
χρειάζεται πολύ μεγάλη προσοχή τα λαμόγια είναι παντού...
Και πολύ καλά έκανε.. Και μένα μου έλεγαν μόνο το πρώτο για ευνόητους λόγους.. :P Πλέον δεν ξέρω αν η "προσοχή" μπορεί να μας προστατεύσει αφού τα έχουμε βγάλει όλα στη φόρα.. :/
σωστή!!!! :)))))
We are willing to sacrifice our privacy just to be able to use social media, myself included. I find that a bit scary and definitely thought worthy.
That's true!! Even though I don't use social media so much for the last few years, I used to post quite frequently in the past.. So I guess some "damage" has been done already by just being a part of this..
Guilty🙋♂️ , but come on, if you do not sign it they don't provide the service.
I know!!! That's why everyone I guess proceeds without reading anything.. Cause there is no other option..!!
acepting turns and condition its not the same as signature something u can change this by deleting the account or the program u use. its a thing for the companies to be legal but u cant llose your house for exaple because u said acept on net .
It isn't the same but sometimes can be even equally bad in my opinion..