Racism quite frankly is something I still don't get. While I've never experienced it personally, it surprises me that people still think this way today. To be fair though am sure we'll find other reasons to be divisive if race didn't exist - almost like we need to compete with each other and feel superior.
I don't pay attention to those who think their opinions are golden and refuse to see the other persons perspective. Just ignore them, not because we fear confrontations but because they're simply not worth it
I think it's because outliers are so obvious it's easy to succumb to fear (or any other emotion tied to the outlier) and believe its true of all of similar background. The segregation that seems to naturally occur in most people aids in magnifying the perception which is then seized upon by those who profit from these schisms. There is sadly some truth to the idea that stereotypes exist for a reason.
Whats missing from such a blanket generalization however are the reasons behind it, coupled with the real life observations that when you delve deeper into an individual examination, people are so much more than any generalization they may fit partially or more.
Between the scarcity mindset that has been foisted upon most of us, this will enhance the fear/anger among many. I suspect that if we are ever able to stop the forced scarcity that many of these fears would fall away, allowing people to stop being so cautious and see others more clearly.
I've lived long enough to be humbled at the amount of ignorance I've carried with me through life. As I get older, I align more strongly with the Christian idea of falling short. As my time here enters the winter of my life, I think each evening on the many ways I could have done or been better. On how many times through the day I've allowed the sharpness of moments to fog my mindfulness, fog the larger picture.
I'm rambling now though. Thanks for reading and weighing in.