I felt that my natural defense against fear was violated when I thought about the simple fact of being rejected by someone next to me, this, besides being a heavy nuisance, made me feel socially happy, many times we think that not having a large number of friends is because we do not fit in properly and therefore we are rejected, strangely when I thought about the rejection, I gave more importance to the possible loss of my friendships than to the gain of new friends.
Something that happened to me and led me to think about rejection was my lack of confidence in myself, and this made me think negative things, until I was focusing on the possible flaws that I found in my mind that made me believe that I was rejected, one of these flaws that I detailed was my poor ability to socialize, and if we do not communicate how can we get people to accept us?.
We have to face our fears because in that way we will be able to move forward with our life and thus not feel fear or at least reduce the action of fears in our mind, since fears will always be in us, we just have to know how to dominate them to jump into the future and not get trapped in them.
When I see people with fears in their lives I advise them to face them and do things that will allow them to overcome their fears, and if this fear is of being rejected by the people around them to get closer to people and be more sociable.