How YOU can be a freelancer online and reach financial freedom working independently.

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

I am sure that you have heard stories about being your own boss,work online independetly and be financially free . I am not talking about online millionaires with great innovations and new ideas but there are a LOT of people which reached financial freedom online. I am in for this journey.

If you don't have any skills you can put some effort and learn everything you want . It is not easy to master something but is not hard either . It all depends on you and your will to achieve a certain level. Below are some software that you get involved with and start learning and working on them .


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1)Photoshop by Adobe. If you want to get involved you can use it to create many things . Photo editing,photo manipulation,photo effects,mockups,web page designs,cinemagraphs,designs,logos,3d text, and even animations,lower thirds, just to name a few . The more you learn photoshop the more ideas will come in your mind how to use it.
A free alternative software like photoshop is gimp.

2)Illustrator by Adobe . Mostly used for vectors,icons,logos,pattern designs,mockups etc. A free alternative software like illustrator is inkscape.

3)After effects by Adobe . Usually used for text animation, creating intro-outro videos,video effects etc . A free alternative software like after effects is hitfilm.

4)Cinema4d, maya, zbrush and 3dsmax for creating 3d models and animations. These software are quite expensive but you can use the alternative free (which i HIGLY recommend) blender.

There are so many other software you can learn and use for your benefit but these are the most famous.You can create for example whiteboard animations with videoscribe.

If you know programming for example java,ruby,python or linux,networking, etc you can use them also for freelancing.

Also android and iphone apps and games are a HUGE market to get involved to (creation or designing).

Do you have any other skills ? Marketing,copywriting,drawing,create videos-tutorials-lessons,handmade things,write ebooks or whatever you can think of ? You can sell it online.

What if you don't got the skills and want to learn something from scratch ? Or you want to be better at something you already know and using ? Below are some websites and sources where you can learn from scratch/master your skills .


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1)Google and youtube are everyone's free choice for everything . The more specific you are on your searches the easiest will be for you to find the exact tutorial you want . For example "photo effects in photoshop" or even better "vintage photo effects in photoshop" will get to where you want exactly. Subscribe to youtube channels and blogs that interest you .

2)Udemy . The biggest online course source for almost everything you want. You can search on the left for categories to get a taste of what you can find or do a specific search. There are a lot free courses available especially from new teachers.
Also you can find paid udemy courses for free . Search for facebook groups or pages : free courses , free online courses , free udemy etc or blogs related to this . Free courses are for a limited time (or for a discount) and usually teachers do this to promote a course and get many students > level up on rankings and searches.
A way to get an online udemy course at a discount (or even free) is contact the creator and kindly ask for this . In return say that you will provide a 5 star review + comment . Teachers need this desperately.

3)Treehouse. Online school mostly for programming like ruby,php,html,java etc.

4)Lynda. Another online school .

5)Coursera . Same as above .

6)Skillshare . My number one choice ! The value for money for this site is amazing i am a premium member there and i will always be . There are more than 15,000 courses on everything you can imagine . Click my link so you can get your first month as a premium for free !

And how you can use your skill to be a succesful freelancer ? There are so many ways to do that and i 've done a lot of research on this topic . So let me provide you with these valuable information . Below are some sites where you can sell your services/creations which are full of hungry buyers .

Marketplaces xavier-teo-197992.jpg

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1)Fiverr Fiverr is the biggest marketplace for freelancers especially for beginners . You can start a gig for 5$ and scale it up with extras . If you browse around gigs you will see gigs reach even 100$ mark with their extras . My profile there is this one but i am currently on vacation mode because i don't have time to get involved on fiverr and i don't want to get negative votes. I am a level 1 seller without doing much . If you decide to join this site, create a post here on steemit so people can buy your gig and vote 5 stars on it . This will boost you A LOT . Also the community there is good so it can help . There a lot of people who have only fiverr as their main job.

2)Peopleperhour . Similar to fiverr but you charge your product or service charging an hourly fee. If you get involved for example in a large project and need 3 hours to finish it and charge 20$ per hour for it you get 3x20$=60$

3)Upwork Similar to above but i think this site reaches a bigger and more professional level for freelancer and service . (doesn't mean that is not for newbies but i suggest going to fiverr first if you are new and then jump to upwork) .

4)99designs If you are good at design (mockups,logos etc) i think this site is for you but reach a more advanced level for designers . If you are begginer on designing i suggest fiverr.

5)You can also create designs and sell them on : Threadless,Zazzle and,Cafepress,T-spring,teepublic,rageon,Redbubble,gearbubble,society6,Crowdspring,designcrowd.

6)Create and sell ebooks on : Kindle,Googleplay,ibooks,Smashwoods,Bookbaby

7)If you are a coder you can sell your codes on : Guru ,elance,freelancer

8)You can be virtual assistant at elance,taskrabiit,odesk,fiverr.

9)You can sell code scripts on Codecanyon,Chupa,Binpress.

10)Design themes and sell them on themeforest

11)Envato market is huge marketplace for themes,actions and generally actions,services and assets.

12)Sell music on : amazon mp3,itunes,pandora,spotify,distrokid,tunecore,,cdbaby,audiojungle,pond5,bandcamp

13)Be a teacher on at,instaedu,tutorvista, . Also you can sell your courses on the tutorial section i 've written above .

14)Other freelancer sites : agentsolo,allfreelancework.

15)Sell digital products on or gumroad .

Internet marketing

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My last recommendation is be your own boss create your own website and get involved in internet marketing. This requires also effort but the most important thing i believe is guidance. I just started a blog but is under construction and i only created two pages. I am too busy to get involved with it and my goal is to guide people to reach financial freedom.
The community that i joined helped me create this website (and more in the future) , relate to steemit for its value is wealthy affiliate but is for internet marketing,creating websites,dropshiping and freelancing in general. You can join for free to see how it works and be a member there (free or premium) . I am as enterg in this community (premium member).

I suggest sites and services i already use. Fiverr, Skillshare and wealthy affiliate are my bigger recommendations on selling and learning what you need to be succesful. And the good thing about them is that you can test them for FREE . :)

I can update this post and add more sources and suggestions i will be glad to hear your thoughts . You can AMA related i will be glad to help you .

Upvote,comment,resteem and follow me @enterg if you found this post useful. The links i provide to some sites are affiliates and it would be a great help for me if you use them (and won't cost you anything) . Thanks for your support .

I didn't wrote about steemit of course this site can be a great side income (or even you can be full time blogger here) .

Peace and love,


Perfect, your post is a little bit detailled from mine.


We have similar interests.
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