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RE: Mobbs' Memoirs: The first time I leaped out of my comfort zone, and how it led to where I am today

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Laughter! What an extraordinary story.
I am curious for the next one.

From how I explain things I would say that those miserable circumstances (in which you chose to stay in) and the people who seemed bad and boring to you, did you actually a great favor. Where it can't get worse, it only can get better. So actually, they earned your thanks for being not a proper company for you as well as the tropical paradise wasn't attracting you either. A friend who backs off, LOL, and you still determined to take on the adventure. THAT is something.

Good one! Like it a lot.

edit: I have some similar experiences with just one jar of chocolate cream in the cupboard and a thumb holding up to get a free ride into town.


Oh really, do you intend to write about it? I love reading this kinda stuff from peeps on here!

And I suppose you're right but I'm not about to call them up and thank them... shudder

:I maybe, I don't know yet. It has not the dramatic drive as yours. LOL. But it has some twists & turns. Would be actually a long story... there was a time I sold vacuum-cleaners at peoples doors. And promoted useless finance-products in front of a bank, having no clue whatsoever about financial portfolios. Before, I had a time during my first education where I had been bored to death in the 3rd story of the insurance agency and had to sort thousands of recipes after the status of the members. To escape the misery, I fled to the restrooms where I dozed off for some minutes waking up and being desperate about the fact that only some minutes went by.

You don't have to call them. Thank them silently. Someone somewhere loved and love them, still. If they weren't so horrible you couldn't distinguish them from those who are wonderful. ;-)