Most Dangerous Bird in the World

in #blog8 years ago

Southern Cassowary


Southern cassowary is probably the most dangerous living bird in the world. It’s a bird which could definitely cause a fatal attack on humans, just like ostriches. Considering the size, Southern Cassowary is the second largest bird in the world – weigh between 75 – 80 kg and upto 5.1 in height. Like ostriches the legs are the most powerful weapon of cassowaries.

There are three toes on each leg of cassowaries. These toes are equipped with 5 inches long razor sharp claws. So, a single strike from a Southern cassowary could result in breaking of bones, critical injuries or even death.



The 5 inch claw bit sort of reminds me of 'Jurassic Park'. I mean, I swear those guys were supposed to be really intelligent scientists, why couldn't they figure out that cloning these things was a really bad idea.

It does not look so bad though! 80kg is still a beautiful beast. I will follow you because I love animals and small discovery like this one. Good job