in #blog7 years ago


A complete recipe of how to make Chicken Curry Rice can be seen below.

4 slices of chicken thigh
3 pieces of potatoes
2 btg lemongrass
20 lbr curry leaves
600 ml of water
200 ml of coconut milk

Ground spices:
1 galangal segment
Garlic 10 cloves
8 cloves of red onion
Curly Chili 8-10 Curry powder 5 tbsp
Turmeric 1 segment
3 segments of ginger

How to make:

  1. Cut small pieces of all spices to make it easy to blend.
  2. Heat the oil then saute the spices until smooth smell of turmeric and turmeric.
  3. Enter the stir-fried lemongrass and add boiled water to boiling. then reduce the heat.
  4. Heat oil in different pan. then pan sir chicken so the skin does not shrink when in cooking. behind the chicken until the sides change color to brownish yellow.
  5. Add the chicken to the curry sauce with the chicken oil. then cook until cooked with low heat. then enter the coconut milk stir and do not break the coconut milk.
  6. For additional fried eggs then serve hot fried in the dish, then pour chicken and rice with gravy curry.
  7. Serve warmly.

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