
in #blog7 years ago

I figured I'd start the hottest month of the year with a good tone of defiance, more of my own weaknesses (namely; heat) than anything else.
Today was actually hilarious. Okay so...here's the thing. I am now lifting/pressing half my body weight with all lifts, but not due to actually upping the weight. I'm still Mr. 110 for now. Simply due to lost weight. All I did was bring back the hour (minimum) of cardio, and start drinking sugar-less, carb-less Monsters at work instead of Iced Coffees. Well...heh...and I started trying this protein powder that one of my bosses gave me, and now some Creatine that he told me about/gave me what was left of a bottle he had.

Bike(Cardio): 32 minutes. Started at level 9, added a difficulty level every 10 minutes. Final minute done on level 12 difficulty. I noticed that I was having difficulty breathing...so I took it a little easier this time. While the difficulty with breathing went away eventually, that was when I started yawning uncontrollably. No matter, I know how to deal with excessive yawning, and carry on regardless.

Bench Press (105 lbs): 30 reps. I feel like I was a little weaker with this one. At rep 26 I actually had to take a sec and get my breathing in order. The limbs were going limp on me.

Pec Fly(110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Slow and steady, but I still did it, right after the bicep curl and tricep extension, all the more reason to be proud of it.

Abdominal Fuse (110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I kept sputtering out on this one. I had done it right after my exercises with the 45 lber and the 5 lber to my chest, but that's no excuse.

Leg Extension(110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Powered right through, ever and always.

Seated Leg Curl(110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Though only slightly, this was easier.

Leg Press (110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I went through the first 14 reps thinking my legs were going to give out on me, no matter how strong I commanded myself to stand firm. And then, for reps 15-28, I exploded into a pace and ease that surprised me. I began to slow again for the final two, but hey. It was only two left! Ah? Ah? ;D

Chest Press(110 lbs): 30 reps. This one was difficult...just not as difficult as it normally is.

Shoulder Press(110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Lateral Pull-Down (110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I can chain more and more reps together without needing to catch my breath, not just on this, but all of them. Soon...it'll be time to go up in weight again. >:)

Lower Back Fuse(110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Seated Row(110 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Bicep Curl(30 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Tricep Extension(35 lbs): 15 reps with the left arm emphasized, 15 with the right, no breaks.

Weighted sit-ups: One 45 lb and a 5 lb plate on my upper chest, 30 reps, no breaks. I feel self-conscious that I can't fit the 45 lber onto my 'upper chest' per se, and still clasp it, and still do sit-ups...but I am still overcoming that weight to perform the sit-up. So, I'm uncertain how to proceed.

Weighted back raises (Draping myself from the waist down across a bench, raising from the waist up until back is straight with a 45 lb and a 5 lb plate clasped on my chest) 30 reps, no breaks. In reference to my analysis of this exercise from last week; Toldja.

Incline Elliptical(Cardio): 32 minutes, level 10 difficulty.

Tonight's musics come from the band ONLAP, their song Tribute (Now or Never). I discovered this trawling for musics on the Youtubes, found a couple of fan music videos put together with this piece in it, and quickly discovered that I liked it. I'm downloading it to the mental iPod over the course of tonight for future use, as it helped me tonight on the Leg Press when it came on just in time...


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