
Do you think there has to be words to cast spells? For there to BE spells? Especially in music / soundtracks / etc.?

Playing along with this conclusion will be easier than normal, since I don't think there have to be, no.

So, let's carry this conclusion through to its fullest. How do we know what music, ever, doesn't have some kind of sinister spell hidden away in it?
Are you sure you want to walk down that train of thought?

According to what all I've been learning these past couple of years? ALL music is infected with infinite spells. Witch craft. ALL of it...... Having said that, as I have said before, there are SOME that are LESS demonic than others. Though again, they are ALL demonic as they are full of witchcraft. There's not one single artist, which breaks my heart, not one single artist that isn't a part of it. Though again, certain "artists" are more heavily involved in it than others. While some "artists" are quite obvious, & brazen about it, there ARE "artists" that are far more sneaky.

I'm just urging you to exercise GREAT CAUTION in what you choose to listen to. Because even though you are strong of mind, & heart, I ASSURE you that this shit gets into your subconscious, & works AGAINST you, & your relationship with Jesus. Something I KNOW you don't want, hence one of my reasons for continuing to try to warn you.

And yet here I be, doin' what I do. Motivations the same. Still fielding a strong game.

I listen to what actually stimulates me. And the caution can be for before I speak, act, or commit to certain thoughts.