Benches series: #2

in #blog8 years ago

Welcome to the quirky series that is called "Benches" :-D

This is an exceptionally quirky and unusual series and it is only for people who appreciate, love and see the magic in Benches. You see, a bench is not just a place to sit and relax, it's a platform for thinking and that's what everyone does, when they sit on bench, is think.

It's a portal to your mind palace, where great ideas come about, plans are thought through, final decisions are made and the list goes on. This is a blog, series or call it what you may, it's an appreciation for all the Benches on Earth.

So, there will be a picture of the Bench itself and a picture of the view when seated in the Bench. Expect more as we collect them from around the world. ;-D

Place: Slappeterp , Friesland





Bench lover.


We could follow you and invent a new trend: benches from the world! :)

I knew there was a fellow bench lover out there. They're awesome and by all means, get involved. Benches are for everyone, let's do it! :-D