Having To Find IT Once More

in #blog3 years ago

It has been over a year now, if not two...yeah I have an awful memory, since I've blogged on this platform. Life had a way of doing it's thing and I just stopped blogging and even being online altogether at some poins.

Now that things are stable and my life is doing great after major changes, the itch to blog once again has been like those Canadian mosquitoes that drink Deet for a Saturday night spin.

I need to find what really interests me and inspires me to write about once more. I had a range of things to write about like some NSFW and tattoos and whatever else would strike my brain. I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon. Wait, wait, wait. Scratch that. I will often talk about tattoos. I don't remember where I was at last time, but here I am with a now full back tattoo, two arm sleeves in the making, a small head tattoo and 3 nice pieces on my legs. OH! And more to come of course! I gained a few piercings and lost one that didn't want to heal but hey, part of the game.

I did pick up some photography skills that I may want to share in the near future as well. I had bought myself a Canon Rebel, no need to go into details right now. And even though I took some online courses I am still learning and searching for new ways, new subjects and tips and tricks to get the images I am looking for.

Time will tell what style of writing I will pick up, I do know it will be adventurous, perhaps informative and even entertaining and hoping to bring out some laughter as well. I am exciting to start, and with what? You'll just have to wait and see!


Show me a picture. Just one, not some. All those photos in a new camera, this should be interesting.

What a way to put me on the spot dude! Ok, ok, let me see what I got....

You want a skeleton fish? Forest? My boyfriend because I choose to practice on him? Ummmm

That aside, I'm having a hard time uploading pictures on here "could not sign". Thinking my pictures are too high quality or have I forgotten a few things after all this time? Probably forgotten cause shit I forgot some basic coding things to make my posts nice again. Or something like that...


AH HA! I done figured it out! My images are too big and had to downsize.

I present to you, Emma, my second test subject, aka 2nd child :p Whatcha think?

Good thing you identified her cuz I was expecting the boyfriend.

Kidding. Very cool. This is my way of forcing you to begin showing off your new camera. It worked.

I've never heard of an image being too large, though, except for maybe a homemade gif. Photos are usually simple, some just take a little longer to upload. What front end are you using?

Let me know what codes you need reminded of. I forget shit regularly, a whole year away I'd probably be like 'The photo's too large.'


Cunning indeed. Also thank you for the push :) I'm taking a break from posting today, got things to do but I figures I would check for replies since I got a minute.

I forgot about front ends too!

For codes... yikes, I only remember centering. I also wrote 3 quick blogs as I was working. The two I wrote previously in the evening after putting the kids to bed. I am kind of worried on being very stuck on my laptop a lot. I try to give myself a time frame...phrame? Oh the french in me just kicked in ...sigh