You're asking for Fairness here?This is ridiculous @benbasstion... You Flagged first... or "@thatanimesnob" did, look, whoever you are you seem new here. I've checked the Blockchain myself and your reputation here is connected to a WHOLE LOTTA accounts that seem very interested in this situation.
No. 1
"how is downvoting THREE of his thread vs ONE of yours fair?"
It's not... NOTHING IS...
No. 2
This is an Attention Economy. So catching Flags right out of the gate is the behavior of someone idiotic. I've been Flagged before, occasionally, but I've never seen someone so Self-Deprecating as to be almost be BEGGING for it. You've obviously got and agenda here and i won't give it anymore press. If you don't like Flags,
It really is that simple.
I don't like you...
My Connections don't like you...
Didn't you say you didn't care who started it? Then why are you talking about who did it first if you don't care? When we say @nanocheeze started it, we don't mean he was the first to flag, that was never our point, we mean he was the first to give UNJUSTIFIED flags.
So nothing is fair and you support that mentality? I won't get over it because that mentality is cancerous.
It's @nanocheeze who doesn't like flags, that's why he got salty and flagged three of @thatanimesnob's threads instead of staying away like you said. Your second point should be aimed at @nanocheeze.
i upvoted all those down voted posts
If it helps you psychologicaly