Since my previous post I've managed to disassemble the ecig cartridge:
My local tobacconist has a range of eliquids, not cheap but way cheaper than the cartridges.
I have been able to add the liquid to the cartridge and it worked fine ... the first few times!
The disassembly process is tricky, filling makes a mess and is wasteful and I've managed to break 2 cartridges.
I think my best option is to buy an actual refillable ecig, I didn't ask in the shop what they sell, I need to go in the next few days anyway and will take a look at what options they have otherwise I should be going to the city next week and should be able to find options there, or order online.
I won't throw it away, it could be good for nights out and when travelling.
I've gotten used to smoking the ecig though I did pick up a fresh pouch of tobacco just in case the refill didn't work.
I can't honestly say I feel any better or worse since the switch, it was a habit curve, last week I was craving cigarettes but this week I just reach for the vape.
Fingers crossed a decent vape isn't too expensive 🤞
Stay Frugal!