I remember the days when I would literally wear a mask everywhere I went (okay, not literally). No one, not even my parents or siblings, knew who I was. My identity was hidden from everyone. This so-called mask stole my identity. I never understood my identity or the purpose of my existence. Many named me according to the mask they saw, not knowing my true identity.
I always knew I wasn't who I was seeing in the mirror, but I didn't know how to go about knowing who I truly was. As time went by, I got used to it because it was all I'd known all my life. I was lonely, confused, and depressed (I couldn't even put a name to how I felt because I believed that was how I was supposed to live).
I wore that mask for years until a friend showed up to take it off. I'd heard a lot about this friend, but I had no idea who He was. I recall Him speaking to me once or twice, but I didn't really pay attention to Him. But this time, when He spoke, I paid close attention because I was tired of being deceived.
Then my true identity was shown. I was confused at what was happening, but I loved the new change. It was a feeling I had never experienced; I was finally free. I finally knew who I was.
This new me was beginning to feel real. I loved who I was seeing in the mirror every day; the mask hindered me from seeing the beauty behind the mask. I know you might be wondering about the Friend who removed this so-called mask.
Okayyyy I'll tell you in a bit...
You may know Him or not, but that doesn't matter because I would introduce Him to you anyway.
His name is JESUS. Does the name ring a bell? If not, then I'll tell you a little bit about my Friend, Jesus.

He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. He was and still is my Saviour. I call Him my Confidant, my Lover, He is all I've got. I will forever be indebted to Him. He was nailed to the cross, wearing a crown with thorns, just for my sake. Whenever you see me talking about Jesus, these are the few reasons why.
You can't and won't know your true identity until Jesus removes the mask from your face, so you can see clearly. He can be your Friend and Saviour too. All you have to do is tell Him you want to be His Friend, and that's all.
Trust me, you won't regret this. He is always ready to carry your burdens.
Most times, we get comfortable in our mess but until you decide to get up, Jesus won't step in. Don't get too comfortable with mediocrity; there is more the Potter wants to do with you.
Thank you so much for reading up to this point
Till next time✌🏼