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RE: Bunnypuncher debate topic - Let's figure out: WEED (3 good entries will win 2 Steem each)

in #blog7 years ago

Again no clue. All the way through your post. And by the way you can't really become intoxicated with cannabis and become a liability on the road. It's not a central nervous system depressant. Do you want to kinda shoot your argument down?...

And last but not least? Stop the violence... Yes Oregon legalization has dropped the black market for Cannabis taking away profit potential for cartels and gangs.

Try education and some facts. A stoned driver is actually safer than a drunk.

Next up? Teens and minor usage has dropped in legal states...

Also opiate and alcohol abuse.

Oh inhumanity... Gateway drug? You are kidding me now how about milk and blaming a spoon for making you fat...

Oh and mixed up the order... I've been a medical marijuana patient with nearly 20 yard of legal medical marijuana activism and see a ton of opinion and government biased propaganda without a single fact. This is amazing. I hope this person has some free will.

The mind is a powerful thing to waste. This one bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.

Oh nice part about it being forbidden... Only by the state and the personal liberties you gave up.