My Five Minute Life #8 Back to School. A Day in the Life

in #blog7 years ago

Today was the first day back to teaching in 2018. I teach 8th grade Language Arts in the United States. I was so glad to be back in my classroom!


Technically, we should not have returned to school until tomorrow, but due to Hurricane Irma we had to return a day early to make up for the lost time.

My attendance was 100% today in every single one of my classes. Since today was the first day of the quarter, some students received schedule changes. Many times, a class change occurs due to a state test score. Apparently, one of my students was frustrated with her new schedule. I found this note in the back my class after the students left.


The little broken heart broke my heart. I teach teenagers. That’s a rough for even the strongest of people. Many of our students express themselves through drawing and painting. I decided to take a few pictures of some of the drawings around my room just to give you an impression.


Often, I will have students draw the images they see in the poetry they read. Here is the display of some work from our Edgar Alan Poe unit.

Our public school focuses on the arts and it works very well to keep our students motivated. I truly believe in arts in education.

Oh, and my Christmas present from my brother fit in perfectly with my class decor.


I guess you know why they call me Gator :)

I hope all the students and teachers out there had a great first day back!




I'm so glad to see a teacher who loves students and her calling. The teacher next door came home today - I was shovelling snow - She gave me a fatigued half wave. She hates her job. She reminds me of D H Lawrence's poem, Afternoon In School The Last Lesson:

When will the bell ring, and end this weariness?
How long have they tugged the leash, and strained apart
My pack of unruly hounds?

Oh, that poem is a gem!! I know quite a few teachers like that. Got to look for the joy in all to be a teacher. Kids feed off the negative. I find positive works better for my class. Thanks for the encouragement! Blessings!

Have you read secrets of the millionaire mind?

It's a mind changer in the best way.
I even use it's principals on my kids.