It's never really been easy to get money here. Freelance pays way better. It's also not like facebook, so just posting that shit here isn't worthwhile. But you can build up a network over time if you do post quality content, and get rewarded. And if you post quality content, now's an even better time, because there's less great content than normal. I've gotten curied a few times recently. There's nothing like that curie rush.
If you believe in this place, and post actual good content, there's no reason not to keep posting. But if you're just here to make money, there are better places to be.
I never entered the platform thinking it was easy money. It's more on a testing the waters and see if it''s worth the time. Monetary rewards just came second. Though Id be lying if money wasn't part of the remaining motivation I have for my time in the platform, lately it's just mostly maintaining online relationships I got from the platform.