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RE: Sunday Means Family Day

in #blog7 years ago

Call me corny but I've always wanted to try spray painting with a cutout stencil starting with my man cave (our former team hangout haha) the garage. I don't necessarily have to make it a garage or car theme but perhaps a basic panoramic cutout of NYC or something.

Now maybe for your little dude you can do something like dinosaurs, uhum cars, random shapes, Disney characters, etc...


My son's room is probably the only room in the house that is fully furnished, and decorated with art on the walls! :)

As for the rest of the house.. Want to bring down some of those Stencil cutouts to my garage when you're done with them? Thanks man, you're a boss! =D

I want to put a bunch of Panoramic shots along our hallway between the bedrooms. I think it's a perfect spot since it's a long and "narrow" (normal hallway width) space. I think I'm just going to start buying prints off snapfish / shutterfly / etc and put things up, then wait to see how long my wife takes to figure out that it's there =P

Oh yeah. You're corny :)