100 ways to attract users to your site.

in #blog7 years ago

let's start:

  1. Create new content
    The best way to increase traffic to a website from organic traffic is to increase the number of pages of an online resource that can be ranked by your important keywords. See where you can add new category pages.

Create a BLOG and publish new interesting materials related to your topic.

Filling out your Internet resource, do not forget that the content should interest visitors, attract their attention, make them linger on the page and finish reading it.

  1. Semantics
    Correctly make a full range of keywords, cluster and implement keywords on your page, article or site, see how here.

Pay attention to the compilation of a quality semantic kernel, because this directly depends on the successful promotion of the website. Make a list of requests that should bring the user to your Internet pages.

  1. Optimize your old content
    By tracking the ranking of keywords (using various content analysis services such as: semrush.com, serpstat.com, ahrefs.com), you can find keywords that are slightly short of the first page or TOP-1, and add useful content there to help them grow. Google loves updated and new content on top of old obsolete material.

  2. Study your target audience carefully.
    This is extremely important for SMM-promotion, because social networks provide limitless opportunities to target and study the target audience. Knowing your audience will give you an insight into where your traffic sources are and how to work with them correctly.

  3. Launch new products
    A great way to attract new users to your company or website is to launch products that meet their needs. These can be related support services. The big part is that you can often charge for them, and also earn money by getting new users into your full conversion funnel.

Modern people value their time very much, therefore, by offering a large list of goods or services on your web resource, you allow the user to save minutes and hours in search of necessary things. Thus, you will increase the number of your customers, because they will be able to buy everything you need.

  1. Create online courses
    The great thing about the Internet is that you can publish any type of content that you want. Create longer forms of content, such as courses targeted at both user needs and certain key phrases.

Today, training in the global network is very in demand, and it is used by many users. Why do not you also join this fashionable niche that will bring you a profit?

  1. Write guest articles
    Find Internet sources related to your topics. If they have your audience, you can give them content with a link to your resource that will help them build traffic and at the same time you will have access to their new audience. This will be a mutually beneficial cooperation with other web resources.

  2. Take guest articles to your site
    Likewise, many sites need links for SEO and access to your customers. If they are not direct competitors, let them publish messages on your site! Then they invest in your company and will promote the content that they have prepared, which also allows you to face your own audience. Double victory!

  3. Create an infographic
    If you have a designer in the company or you can find it on the Internet, create a useful graphics that will help people see the information in a new way. The person thinks in pictures. Not every user wants to read long texts, searching for the necessary information. Make it easier for people to learn about your proposal by visualizing it.

  4. Reference outsourcing
    Provide outsourcing for links, hire a specialist who will be able to actively link to pages of your site in the comments of other websites. Important! Links should be useful and give live targeted traffic.

  5. Move on Pinterest
    Rinterest.com has a good weight for the ranking of the site. Get as many links to your pictures from this domain as possible. Pinterest is a very strong domain, and your Pinterest boards can be very good. Explore the keywords for your website, then take some of these keywords and set up targeting of pictures on Pinterest.

  6. Use Vkontakte
    vc.com - a popular social network in Russia and CIS countries. If your audience is under 30 years old, then you are direct to go there. And the audience grows every year and becomes more and more solvent. In addition, this social network has many tools for advertising and promotion.

  7. World leaders Facebook and Instagram
    Instagram (instagram.com) approached the mark of 700 million users. And, thanks to Facebook (fb.com), has a lot of advertising opportunities

  8. World leaders Facebook and Instagram
    Instagram (instagram.com) approached the mark of 700 million users. And, thanks to Facebook (fb.com), has a lot of advertising opportunities. The statistics of Facebook - 1.5 billion users. The advertising account is one for two.

  9. Twitter
    A network of micro tweets twitter.com. Google appreciates the links from this network. Very convenient if you need to quickly share the news. Mention in experts tweets using the @ sign.

  10. Linkedin
    linkedin.com has been gaining momentum recently. A social network for business contacts allows you to create a company account, has a news line. You can get a lot of links and traffic, linking the company to employees' accounts and publishing thematic material. Here you can successfully promote your product, as well as make useful acquaintances with potential partners or employees.

  11. Google+
    The most mysterious social network, especially for our region. There are no ways to pay forward, but only inconvenient rassharivaniya for strange groups. But small attempts at reviving it are. Some posts may be included in the search results. In addition, it helps to customize the search results for branded queries. Be sure to use this network.

  12. Telegram messenger
    A new trend is to create a channel in telegrams (telegram.org). Dial subscribers. It is very convenient to make publications. Manual for the authors of the channels on telegrams.

  13. Mobile adaptation
    Remember that in order to get high-quality traffic, it's very important to have a mobile site layout that will allow the web resource to open quickly, conveniently use it and hide all unnecessary ones in the menu. Nothing superfluous, only reading and the necessary linking. The presence of a large number of gadgets in modern users obliges businessmen to adapt to such innovations, paying special attention to the adaptation of their web resource for various devices.

  14. Podcasts
    Podcasting is audio marketing, one of the best ways to develop an audience of podcasts is to invite influential people to your podcast. Take one or two podcasts under the account (or run your own), and then start targeting the podcast producers to get on their shows.

  15. Targeted advertising in social networks
    Advertising in Social Networks is still relatively cheap compared to Adwords. Many of them also allow you to segment by demographics or keyword targeting so that you are in your ideal audience.

  16. Contextual advertising
    PPCs are generally best used for conversion-oriented keywords, which is a big advantage because it gives you a new audience that is also ready to convert.

  17. Display advertising
    Advertising in the Google partner network, the advertising network Yandex, Begun and others. The cost of a click is quite cheap, compared to search advertising. You can pay per click (CPC) or 1000 impressions (CPM).

  18. Teaser advertising
    You can single out advertising in teaser networks. There are many offers on the Internet. In essence, this is the same banner advertising advertising and targeted advertising in social networks.

  19. Organize courses
    The best way to show your experience and get people to read all of your materials. If you have your own craft, create a course, and then sell it on your website.

  20. Partnerships
    Especially in B2B, partnerships can become gold for the acquisition of customers. Build referral programs with your additional companies and try to direct some of your traffic back to the site, using links to websites or even their email marketing.

  21. Acquisition of references
    It's like old school tactics, but it's still true. The more links to your website, the better it will be. Therefore, get links to the site with the content, from the corresponding pages of resources on other sites and from the scope that you are doing. How to attract natural links read here.

  22. Promote content through Outbrain / Taboola
    Using special platforms for promoting content, you can very quickly increase the number of visitors to your web resource, multiply the amount of links to the website, that is, do everything to successfully promote your business. The principle of these tools is to attract users to your site by providing them with exactly the information they are looking for in the wide area of ​​the global network. There is a clear analysis and distribution of material on topics of interest to users.

  23. Creation of satellite sites
    If your main site is in the same niche, but you work in many niches, you can create resources specifically designed for these other niches and use them to forward traffic to other sites. You need to disclose that you own these other sites, but it's a great way to spread organic reach.

  24. Accelerate your website
    A fast site is not only better converted, but also receives more organic traffic, because search engines can scan your site faster and find more content, and the user does not leave the site in the first seconds of the visit. Start by switching hosts, and then optimize your code, making sure that you are using aggressive caching and a content delivery network (CDN). How to do it better read here.

  25. Expand the semantic core
    If you are really trying to increase traffic to your site, do a new keyword research to get new content ideas, and then go back to step 1 above and create new content!

  26. Target long keywords
    If you do not have a very strong website, you can target longer keywords (<50 requests per month), which are often easier to navigate. From this, you can start creating a content database, which you can then use to get links and promote rankings on more competitive terms.

  27. Lead magnet
    One of the best ways to get a list of contacts for mailings by e-mail, and, consequently, to a new audience is the distribution of prizes or valuable interesting information, in exchange for the necessary actions of users on the site. Usually this happens by informing the user with PopUp pop-up windows. Here the main thing is not to scare away traffic :)

  28. Speak at the conference
    If you like to talk, conferences can be a great way to show up before the target audience. Organize seminars that will attract new subscribers to your web resource. So, you can talk about your product to potential customers.

  29. Create content for Slideshare
    slideshare.net service for presentations from the developers Linkedin. Allows you to spread presentations and distribute them, getting likes and traffic. The created content for Slideshare can be implemented on the site. Here again the principle of visualization, which is easier to perceive, will help you. Do not forget that the presentation should have a minimum of text and a maximum of graphic information.

  30. Create a video for YouTube
    If you can create videos at minimal cost, YouTube is a great platform for distribution. Create and untwist the channel quite costly in time, but it will give a huge audience if everything is done well.

  31. Start advertising on YouTube
    Can not create a video, but is there a video on YouTube that your target audience is viewing? You can run video ads on YouTube.

  32. Launch of webinars
    Webinars can attract a new audience for you when you invite guests who have their own audience with which they will promote your webinar. Try to attract guests who already have a large audience.

  33. Teach people
    Teach people how to do what you do, put your experience in a slide show and distribute. Demand for this type of education is growing day by day.

  34. Digests and bulletins
    Some companies publish daily, weekly or monthly newsletters about content from their entire industry, and many of them have many subscribers. If you have content that matches their audience, contact them and see if they will include your article in the next edition.

  35. Keep Users
    When you attract customers to your site, some will leave your site, but some go back and several times before they really convert. Sometimes they do research, sometimes they are distracted by other sites, and sometimes they are simply not ready to buy or give you the information that you so much want to get from them to run your business.

8 ways to get people back to your site:

  1. Collection of e-mail addresses and sending of agreed letters
    One of the simplest things to do is what most people do not actually do, it is to establish permanent e-mail marketing to their customers who have specified their email address. Regardless of whether this is a weekly newsletter or daily content for training and sales, this is the best way to keep your users interested in you.

  2. Guestbook on similar websites
    Like acquiring new users, posting guest messages on similar sites that probably have your audience and reading your site is a great way to remind them of your site / product.

  3. Remarketing / retargeting
    If you do not re-run advertising and work in the online business, you literally throw money into the wind. With all available networks, not to mention Facebook, you can easily target people who came to your site, but did not acquire anything, return and complete their conversion.


  1. Reklama na pokhozhikh internet-resursakh
    Snova ispol'zuya SimilarWeb ili SEMrush, naydite sayty, pokhozhiye na vashi, kotoryye ne yavlyayutsya konkurentami, i posmotrite, mozhete li vy tam reklamirovat'sya. Teper' ikh auditoriya vasha.

  2. Stavka na klyuchevyye slova konkurenta (v tom chisle brendovyye)
    Etot pokazatel' neskol'ko nizhe po eticheskoy shkale, chem mnogiye drugiye, no Adwords pozvolyayet vam uchastvovat' v torgakh na mnogikh konkuriruyushchikh firmennykh usloviyakh. Yesli oni ishchut vashego konkurenta, oni takzhe dolzhny znat' o vas.

  3. Prodvigayte kontent v sotsial'nykh setyakh
    Vozmozhno, vy ne znayete etogo, no vashi podpischiki v sotsial'nykh setyakh (osobenno Facebook) ne vidyat ves' kontent, kotoryy vy publikuyete. Yesli vy vidite, chto chast' kontenta uspeshno rabotayet i poluchayet khorosheye osveshcheniye, sdelayte aktsent i prodvin'te yego v svoyu pol'zovatel'skuyu auditoriyu, kotoruyu vy sobrali.

  4. Razreshit' pol'zovatelyam podpisku na kommentarii
    Nekotoryye CMS, takiye kak WordPress, pozvolyayut pol'zovatelyam podpisyvat'sya na otvety na svoi kommentarii, kotoryye oni ostavlyayut na vashem kontente. Vy takzhe mozhete ispol'zovat' ogromnoye kolichestvo instrumentov (takikh kak SumoMe) dlya zakhvata adresov elektronnoy pochty, na kotoryye vy mozhete otpravlyat' kontent pri publikatsii.

  5. Soobshchayte yuzeram ob aktsiyakh, skidkakh, meropriyatiyakh
    Yesli u vas uzhe yest' baza, otprav'te im po elektronnoy pochte, kogda chto-to proiskhodit (produkt ukhodit v zapas ili poyavlyayetsya v nalichii, menyayetsya metrika i t. d.), chtoby vernut' ikh obratno k vashim produktam/saytu.

  6. Otpravlyayte soobshcheniye pol'zovatelyam, kotoryye otkazalis' ot svoyey korziny pokupok.
    Yesli vy zapustili onlayn-sayt elektronnoy torgovli, otpravlyayte soobshcheniya po elektronnoy pochte, tem, kto ne zavershil pokupku. Mozhet, vy podospeyete kak raz vovremya, kogda pokupatel' sozrel dlya priobreteniya tovara. Zachem upuskat' pribyl'?

  7. Ispol'zuyte klassifaydery
    Katalogi kompaniy, kak ni kruti, a trafik oni dayut. Vybirayte katalogi, kotoryye khorosho indeksiruyutsya poiskovikami.

  8. Ispol'zuyte prays-agregatory
    Yesli u vas internet-magazin, dobav'te vashi tovary v prays-agregatory. Takiye kak Hotline, Price.ua. Vashi tovary smogut popast' v sravneniye tovarov. Ili vy mozhete zapustit' reklamu vnutri etikh prays-agregatorov.

  9. Virusnaya reklama
    Virusnaya reklama — eto odnovremenno i besplatnyy i ochen' dorogoy vid reklamy. Vse zavisit ot togo, udastsya ili vam poluchit' virusnyy effekt. Chitayte tut.

  10. Upravleniye reputatsiyey
    Rabota nad uluchsheniyem pozitivnosti brenda, rabota s negativom. Chem men'she otritsatel'nykh otzyvov o vashey kompanii vidit pol'zovatel', tem vyshe vash reyting v glazakh kliyentov.

  11. Veb-Analitika
    Analiziruyte povedeniye pol'zovateley v veb-analitike. Ustanovite na sayt Yandeks-Metriku, Google-analitiks, Serch-konsol' i vebmester Yandeksa. Chek-list po nastroyke veb-analitiki na sayte

  12. Vnutrennyaya optimizatsiya
    Optimiziruya i uluchshaya sayt, vy uluchshayete takiye kachestva sayta kak vidimost', povedencheskiye faktory, a znachit i rost trafika. Provedite audit sayta.

  13. Aktivno obshchaytes' so svoyey auditoriyey
    Initsiiruyte dialogi, zadavayte voprosy, provotsiruyte diskussii, pomogayte i predlagayte im kontent. Eto odin iz shagov k uspeshnomu brendingu. Ne ostavlyayte voprosy yuzerov bez vnimaniya, inache mozhno sushchestvenno snizit' interes k svoyemu internet-saytu.

  14. Advertising on similar Internet resources
    Again using SimilarWeb or SEMrush, find sites that are similar to yours that are not competitors, and see if you can be advertised there. Now their audience is yours.

  15. Bid on the competitor's keywords (including branded ones)
    This indicator is slightly lower on the ethical scale than many others, but Adwords allows you to participate in bidding on many competing branded conditions. If they are looking for your competitor, they also need to know about you.

  16. ​​Promote content on social networks
    Perhaps you do not know this, but your subscribers on social networks (especially Facebook) do not see all the content that you publish. If you see that part of the content is working and getting good coverage, put emphasis and promote it into your user audience that you have collected.

  17. Allow users to subscribe to comments
    Some CMS, such as WordPress, allow users to subscribe to responses to their comments that they leave on your content. You can also use a huge number of tools (such as SumoMe) to capture e-mail addresses to which you can send content when publishing.

  18. Inform users about promotions, discounts, events
    If you already have a database, send them by e-mail when something happens (the product goes into stock or appears in stock, the metric changes, etc.) to bring them back to your products / site.

  19. Send messages to users who have abandoned their shopping cart.
    If you run an online e-commerce site, send emails to those who have not completed the purchase. Maybe you'll arrive just in time, when the buyer is ripe for the purchase of goods. Why miss the profit?

  20. Use Classifiders
    Companies catalogs, whatever one may say, but the traffic they give. Choose directories that are well indexed by search engines.

  21. Use price aggregators
    If you have an online store, add your products to the price aggregators. Such as Hotline, Price.ua. Your goods can get into the comparison of goods. Or you can run ads inside these price aggregators.

  22. Viral advertising
    Viral advertising is both a free and very expensive form of advertising. It all depends on whether you succeed or you get a viral effect. Read here.

  23. Reputation Management
    Work on improving the positivity of the brand, working with the negative. The less negative reviews your company sees the user, the higher your rating in the eyes of customers.

  24. Web Analytics
    Analyze user behavior in web analytics. Install on the site Yandex-Metrics, Google Analytics, Serch Console and Yandex Webmaster. Checklist for setting up web analytics on the site

  25. Internal optimization
    Optimizing and improving the site, you improve such qualities of the site as visibility, behavioral factors, and hence traffic growth. Conduct an audit of the site.

  26. Actively communicate with your audience
    Initiate dialogs, ask questions, provoke discussions, help and offer them content. This is one of the steps to successful branding. Do not leave questions to users without attention, otherwise you can significantly reduce the interest in your Internet site.

  27. A / B testing of the site
    The essence of such testing is that one benchmark is compared with several changed indicators of the site. The main task of such testing is to increase some behavioral indicator, or to increase conversions.

  28. New services on the site
    Use and create various services on the site for the convenience of users. For example, a calculator.

  29. Wikipedia
    wikipedia.org is a multilingual project for creating an open encyclopedia. Any user can create and edit content. Of course, after a series of moderations.

  30. Interviews
    This is the interviewer's interview with the respondent, built on questions and answers. The more popular the respondent, the more traffic. Content can be as audio, video, text or live.

  31. Storytelling
    Relatively new tool in marketing. It is a method of influencing an audience by telling stories with a real or fictional character. How to write a selling story read here.

  32. Install social network widgets
    Widgets social networks on the site simplify the procedure for distributing content in social networks.

  33. Instruction
    To make it easier for people to use your resource, create a short guide for them, specify how to perform this or that action. Modern users are not willing to spend a lot of time on websites, the use of which causes difficulties, so your task is to maximize the life of the user.

  34. Cases
    Fill your web resource with a variety of professional experiences that took place in life. So, people will find it more interesting to get acquainted with your site. And if you set a goal to educate the audience, real stories will help to better understand the new material.

  35. Poll
    To increase the attendance of the site, understand the needs of people, place on your Internet resource relevant questionnaires. So, you will attract users to your site.

  36. Sensation
    How to get a person to visit your website? Draw his attention with a catchy phrase, an intriguing drawing. Call the initial interest, which will force the user to click on the link to your page.

  37. The Disqus platform
    Centralized platform for comments. Unlike others, it is more convenient, because:

  • common
  • has the functions of a social network
  • will provide additional linking to your articles
  1. Social Action
    Arrange a social action: paint shops, help children, build a road, etc. This will be an informational occasion for creating content about you.

  2. Be friendly
    Ask, exchange, help. Do not close in your shell, but on the contrary, actively cooperate with partners and even competitors. Thus, you will earn the reputation of an open person who has no secrets and no hidden intentions.

  3. Translate
    Make a translation of useful foreign material. Create several language versions of your web resource so that users from different corners of the planet can get acquainted with it.

  4. Links in accounts
    Be sure to put the links in the accounts of all the services you use: Skype, VKontakte, Twitter, etc.

  5. Forums
    Communication in forums on thematic sites can give constant additional traffic. Give answers with links to articles from your blog.

  6. Create a rating of competitors in your niche
    You need to know what to strive for. If your industry has more successful companies, reach their level. And if the competitors are at a lower level, which is called "breathe in your back", do everything possible that the most from them to come off.

  7. Qr-Code
    Place qr-code in print and printing. Smartphones dominate.

  8. Write a book
    If you are a guru in your craft, and have written articles more than once, or maybe you have spoken at seminars - write a book, collecting all your knowledge. The book is easy to distribute. To help tools such as Google Book.

  9. Become a news partner
    Search engines offer not only search services, today such services include the opportunity to become a news partner. How to become a Yandex news partner here.

  10. Yandex Catalog
    Every self-respecting website owner wants to get into the Yandex directory. Being on this list favorably affects website promotion, traffic increase and target audience.

  11. Off-line advertising in print media
    Despite the fact that more and more people prefer to look for information on the Internet, some citizens periodically look through printed publications. Do not miss the chance to make them your customers by placing ads in paper newspapers and magazines.

  12. Advertising on TV and radio
    Do not underestimate the importance of television and radio broadcasting in people's lives. Constantly repeating advertising of your product will help to promote business.

  13. Spam, doorways, cloaking
    Using such methods of website promotion, you can in a relatively short time to bring your resource to the leaders. But the use of such techniques can hardly be called legitimate.

  14. Develop your style (semantic uniqueness)
    Make your Internet page unlike the others, emphasize your personality, creating a unique style.

  15. Strong content
    It's better to do less content, but better. Make super content, super enticing title, perfectly structured text.

  16. Expand the theme of the blog or news
    Invite your team of regular authors who regularly replenish your web resource with interesting articles.

  17. Use Google Alerts
    Subscribe to the queries you need in your subject, and you will receive new articles and ideas accordingly.

  18. Create a forum on your site
    Live communication always attracts visitors to the site. The opportunity to express your opinion or to read the views of other people will increase your traffic.

  19. Become an author of articles on the most famous resources of your subject
    Collaborate with other websites, placing on them the latest content related to your line of business.

  20. Create a portfolio
    When attracting clients, do not forget to show them the work already done. Visual materials speak about you better than any words.

  21. Create reviews
    Create a section "Reviews about Us" on the site. In addition to additional organic traffic, this will enable all visitors to learn more about your product, read the comments of people who have already used the goods or services. In addition, you can periodically "clean" reviews, leaving the most favorable for you. It's no secret that modern people, limited in free time, trust the reviews posted on the network. Do not miss your chance to take advantage of this to maximize your product.

  22. Use Call-to-Action
    If you are creating a message, post or announcement, be sure to use a call to action. For example, "Subscribe to us on Facebook!", "Leave an application on the site, and we will send you a free miscalculation!", Etc. This will increase traffic.

  23. Make posts and tweets more beautiful
    Work well on the composition of the post. In some social networks, you need to upload photos for this. Write an accompanying lure text. Mark the geo. Let the publication be wider, brighter, more attractive.

  24. Give out discounts for huskies
    Come up with a promotion for the likes and repost of the publication. This will be a good motivator and will increase involvement.

  25. Mention and quote
    leaders of opinions and experts in your field. By mentioning experts, you can get traffic from their target audience of subscribers

  26. Use site micro-markup
    Micro-markup will make your link (snippet) more noticeable in search results.

  27. Reposts in active groups
    Hire a person who will guide your pages on social networks, track activity.

  28. Actively comment on all your posts and tweets
    Do not ignore the comments of users left under your content.

  29. Viber
    Recently, Viber has become very popular among users. This program is installed on smartphones and PC. Distribute your suggestions with this app.

  30. SMS
    It is difficult to imagine a modern man without a mobile phone. Do not miss the opportunity to report yourself using SMS.

  31. Web site design
    Will give traffic if there is an extraordinary. Attract the attention of visitors to the special design of the pages, refuse to use the template solutions.

  32. 404 page
    Distinguish yourself and make a cool 404 page. For example, uaweb.ua/404. Users will certainly appreciate your efforts.

  33. Maps
    If you have an open office - specify it as the physical address of the website on all sorts of maps.

  • maps.google.com
  • yandex.ua/maps
  • wikimapia.org
  • maps.visicom.ua

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
SteemitBoard World Cup Contest - The results, the winners and the prizes

Do you like SteemitBoard's project? Then Vote for its witness and get one more award!

Congratulations @grabowskig! You have completed the following achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

Award for the number of upvotes

Click on the badge to view your Board of Honor.
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Do you like SteemitBoard's project? Then Vote for its witness and get one more award!

Congratulations @grabowskig! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

Award for the number of upvotes

Click on the badge to view your Board of Honor.
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Support SteemitBoard's project! Vote for its witness and get one more award!

Congratulations @grabowskig! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You made more than 2000 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 3000 upvotes.

Click here to view your Board of Honor
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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:

SteemFest³ - SteemitBoard Contest Teaser
The new Steemfest³ Award is ready!

Support SteemitBoard's project! Vote for its witness and get one more award!

Congratulations @grabowskig! You received a personal award!

Happy Birthday! - You are on the Steem blockchain for 1 year!

You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking

Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:

Carnival Challenge - Here are the winners
Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!