Studies show that there has been a major demographic change in America. There has been a significant increase in the number of Americans living alone.
Henry David Thoreau wrote,
I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.Apparently some people in America today agree as there has been a sharp spike in the number of Americans who live alone.
Eric Klinenberg, N.Y.U. sociology professor and author of the book, Going Solo, in the New York Times interview, “America – Single and Loving It”, claims that single living is an exploding trend. He feels attitudes toward single living are becoming much less stigmatized. In addition, Klinenberg reports that, for some, single living is both a privilege and a liability. For others in our modern society, he feels single living may be a more desirable lifestyle choice.
Statistics on Single Living
According statistics reported in the article, “America - Single and Loving It”, one in seven American adults now live alone. This number is a dramatic increase from the decade of the 50”s. In 1950, only 22% of Americans lived alone, but most recent studies show that today the number has increased to almost 50%. Studies show that approximately 4 out of 10 households are single-person dwellings. In Manhattan alone, nearly half of all households are comprised of just one person.
Why the Number Americans Living Alone is Increasing
The article, “Why More Americans are Living Alone”, reports that the reasons for the increasing trend of single living are varied. One reason is that so many Americans are unmarried. Others are just finishing their education and embarking on their chosen career paths, and, as a result, are choosing to live alone in their new venture. Still others, who may have never intended to live alone, find themselves doing so due to divorce or death of a spouse or significant other. Finally, there are Americans for whom living alone is a deliberate and much preferred lifestyle choice.
Why Living Alone for Some Americans Doesn’t Mean Being Lonely
It may appear to outside observers that so many singles would be lonely. However, according to the article, “Live Alone? You’re Not Lonely”, contrary to the Beatles lyrical claim, one is not the loneliest number. Those choosing to live alone enjoy the benefit of such simple things as being able to control their own time on their own terms, to eat and sleep when they want, to read or watch television when they want, and to socialize with others of their own choosing whenever they want.
The article further suggests, that, even though there is an increasing trend of Americans living alone, such a lifestyle is not normally considered a natural state of affairs. The article suggests that those who choose such a lifestyle and claim to prefer it is a small percentage. The article claims that, because single dwelling goes against our baser instincts, those people who choose and prefer to live alone are just somehow wired differently from those who do not.
PBS News Hour: “Why More Americans are Living Alone”
CBS “Live Alone? You’re not Alone”
The New York “America- Single and Loving It”
I live alone and love it!
Paint, write, sculpt and go out when I want to socialise