Happy or sad?

in #blog7 years ago


Time flies fast, people can not not big. Four years is not long but enough to realize the change of a student ...
Recently, the "wet feet and feet" to enter the school that is now a senior student. Looking at the new students standing in line to submit the application to see that eagerly.
On college day, I just want to graduate fast to become older and more talented. But when I was about to be kicked out of school, I was anxious.

There are so many obstacles in the mind, so many anxieties ahead, they are like monsters just want to swallow us every time we feel like giving up. Think about how hard it is for parents to go to school like friends and peers so that after four years of college have got nothing and do what? Last year also no longer want to depend on the family.

There are times when I just want to run so fast tomorrow to see what I can do in the future.
Last year, there are days not to eat breakfast, can not take a nap because of completing the report, the lecture, the reality ... Then also have to think about what school to do what ...

Last year, with long sleepless nights, my hands on my forehead, thinking that after four years of university lecture I got nothing, or just a bunch of boring days waiting to be called because I had to learn things I did not like. .

Some days I feel exhausted but I do not allow myself to give up because I can not cling or depend on anyone anymore.

There are days spent thinking under the school yard to remember memories with friends under the familiar school but only a few months will have to say goodbye.

Last year, no longer rushed to take care of the bus delay, just want to go slowly step by step to hold the remaining moments.

Last year, sometimes just want to lie curled in the blanket, spread out according to the music ...

Last year, just hoping to be able to keep all the moments here to feel less helpless on the career path.

Last year learned that if we did not walk, it was not just stamping our feet but rather backwards.

In the end, even if you have stepped away, just want to keep the faith to find the true way for yourself and can go step by step on that path.