Any sacrifice to maintain a friendship is a sacrifice of friendship. How would you sacrifice in friendship.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Now I know you probably think that there aren’t sacrifices in friendship but rather ones to keep harmony, but any sacrifice to maintain a friendship is a sacrifice of friendship. You could sacrifice a friend to keep a better friend, or you could sacrifice a boyfriend or girlfriend to keep your friends. Sometimes friendships can be challenging but any true friend who is always there for you is better than any boyfriend, girlfriend, or fake friend.

“It is not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What’s hard, she said, is figuring out what you’re willing to give up to do the things you really care about.” ― Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way

This quote is connected to friendship because all it is saying is you have to figure out how important friendship is in your life and what you are willing to give up to keep that friendship or if somebody comes between you and your best friend are you willing to give that somebody up.

 Lauren Oliver, Delirium said, “I guess that is just part of loving people: You have to give things up. Sometimes you even have to give them up.”

There will be boyfriends and girlfriends that you will love but not all of that relationship will work out, and some of them may even come down to choosing between your friends and your “love”. One essential thing though is that you should never let love come between a friendship. And unless you want to lose your friends over love, you should always choose your friendships before boys.

“Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.”

..... By J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

If you connect this quote to friendship, it is saying that if you are willing to sacrifice for that friendship, you can have the best friendships ever only.

text source


Share your experience. How would you sacrifice for your closest friend?



This question is so complex ...not easy to answer

At least you should try to give answer

I don't have lots of friends, but for the few friends I have, I sacrifice my time . I advise them on how they can improve their life, buy them a meal, drinks etc. Sometimes people need someone to just listen to them, show them that they matter and give validation. I may not have all the answers but at least I listen. It is said a problem shared is a problem half solved- and it relieves some tension. So that's what I do for my friends and they too help me the best they can :)

reveals that a friend is a true friend only when he/she helps his/her friend in the need.Wonderful sharing dear @practicaleric... Really I agree with you the importance and value of true friends in life and

really i am same to you sir
a real friend is awesome to make a enjoyable life,,its can turn to be a helpfull world,,in the world best friend can change a life with sacrify ,,,
in any need we will remain our friend for save our life,,its really a great post

Thanks for your thoughts

Thanks to give us good question..
Sacrifice to a friendship for me is a good friendship,she will always been there when her friendship need her.she willing be a candle to burn herself,it's means she sacrifice her happiness to make her friendship get happy feeling although she willing sacrifice the lovest person to her friendship.her sacrifice had proven that her life can be light to others life and she brave to fight with her own selfish for the people who been around her,especially to her friendship.

Thanks for your precious views

Quite an amazing saying here:

One essential thing though is that you should never let love come between a friendship.

To be successful, both love and friendship should have special and separate place in one's heart. We can’t allow anyone to split the two of us in spirit or in any other way. Everyday, we need both friendship and relationship.

Thank you so muchWonderful comment from your side ... your thoughts are always admirable and comprehensive @leoumesh

A truly friend hard to find
Difficult to leave
And impossible to forget.

True friends is seen through the heart, not through the eyes. When we get sick or go through big disappointments or major loss, it's only natural to want someone to be there for us. Then we need friends.
@charliechain thanks for sharing your thoughts

It's great to have that best friend inside you. Very few people have a best friend. And am sure it's great to have one. But in reality it's not always possible to have one. So the best alternative is to have him inside you. He knows you well. Hence can understand you. And accept both the good and bad in you. Praise and criticise you whenever and wherever necessary. And basically, want you to improve with each passing day.

Thanks for your views


you said true,,a life heve nothing without friends,,thanks for your post

Very good participation from your side

Thanks a lot

Now I know you are probably thinking that there aren’t sacrifices in friendship but rather ones to keep friendship, but any sacrifice to keep a friendship is a sacrifice in friendship.

Thanks for your views

Proverbs 18:24
There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a are Not far from the truth @hamzayousaf sacrifices is what makes friendship worth keeping and mind life itself is all about sacrifice. Thanks and have a peaceful weekend.

Right said..@samtexprints The genuine or authentic friend is someone who sticks closer than a brother. Brotherhood is one of the strongest relationships we know. A friend who sticks closer than a brother is a trustworthy friend, indeed.

Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else.
Great writing skills buddy @hamzayousaf

Thanks for your comment

Sacrifice we often hear and say but Sacrifice indeed action gives something big beneficial for giver to prove allegiance to someone

Thanks for your kind words

Your welcome..

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