Boredom = Steem
Today, @Scottland and I went to my AP Physics training. It was OK. For him it is more of a heads up since he will probably be taking it next year. I'm not going to be his teacher, but oh well. We learned a couple of labs to do with students, including a pulley-friction lab and a velocity lab. I had time to doodle since I already have most of my class planned. Here is my main doodle:
This is the whole thing, if you want a preview.
I love explaining dimensions to kids. 2 points make a line, 2 lines make a square, two squares make a cube, and two cubes make a hypercube. ETC......
Here are basic examples of how a graph can get really wonky in math. Graphing was always my favorite part of math especially in Calculus where you learn advanced graphing techniques. Above is pre-calc.
Solving an Equation with the Quadratic Formula
If you can do this, then you passed algebra. Lol.
Atoms and Smaller
Here is a simple hydrogen atom and a list of quarks which everyone should know. Quarks make up electrons, protons, neutrons, and more.
Hope you've enjoyed Steemers! Learn much! Happy Trails!
Lol nice man. I like the trippy signoff thing.
Thanks! Check this one out!