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RE: Back to Basics

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Yay! I’m so glad to hear you’re back and that your schedule will allow you to blog more! I’m also very excited about your topics! What are you majoring in?

P.S. if you do a lot of blogging on your laptop, be sure to check out SteemPeak! I like it even better than Busy 😊

And Partiko seems to be working pretty well for mobile...

Posted using Partiko iOS


Hey! I'm really happy to be back, I missed it. I actually checked out your account first when I came back on to see what you were up to! I was glad to see more articles about how the girls are doing and I found your articles on statelessness very interesting. I followed your joint account as well, can't wait to see more from you!

And yea I noticed some stuff has changed, I saw a lot of comments with Partiko, I'll have to check that out. And I actually used Busy to write this article, it was working really well for me, thank you again for the recommendation 😊 But I'm excited to check out new things so SteemPeak will definitely be the next site I check out!

As for university, I am majoring in Architecture with a double minor in Preservation Studies and Spanish. I'm hoping to write more personal posts so you'll see more to come regarding school! 😊