I want to go into Blogging/bitcoins minning but i am nicheless please advise me

in #blog8 years ago

Hello thanks for coming in
i am just a little confused here because i have be learning how to blog for quite a while now before i stumble upon this bitcoins mining of a thing

as for the blogging i really don't have a niche because i am almost good at everything both tech niche, entertainment niche, reviews and celebrities yet i feel like abandoning it and then go into bitcoins mining please what is your advise for me


You should write an introduction for your self !! mix it with your photos go creative ...and dont leave anything about yourself !! let the community know you are here and what you are all about !! i joined 14 days back !! i have a good followers base earning has started to come !! just keep working hard and be original , dont beg for upvotes or spam anyones commentbox !! read and follow people from your own genre take there advice !!
search and explore !!

Beautiful post