Each is a reaction to perceived changes.
We are all too familiar with the FOMO acronym, sponsored by the digital delirium of device addiction.
FOCO, or Fear of checking out, is everywhere. Not the fear of a confrontation at the cashier, though I suppose that could be relevant depending upon circumstances. This is the fear of 'dying' whether it be physical death or the death of the ego.
I have 'taught' (which is a whole other kind of oxymoronic concept) egoic dissolution for thirty years now. Yay. Every ego fears its death. Heavy compassion-laden sigh.
I read a lot of posts about dropping the ego and each one has merit and value. Upvoteable content, all. So what am I getting at here?
FOCO happens in the ego. An ego will do anything, and I mean anything, to prevent its demise, including threatening its physical host with death or attempting to kill the physical body. Why does that matter? Because FOCO is not a sustainable energetic stance. Obvious.
FOGO is the Fear of Getting Older.
Oddly, or maybe not so oddly, as an AWAKE being, I don't have this fear. I understand it and, hey, the image in the mirror looks different than it used to, sure, but fear? Then again, the world as we knew it was driven by that emotion so maybe not so odd after all.
I have heard this three times in the past week and 'three times' is a sign to pay attention. "I am in my late sixties now and certain things are simply not possible anymore. My body won't handle it." Or "I am going to be seventy this year and I cannot handle..." That was from two different people. Hmmm. Okay, potentially factual. But is this truth? It depends on what we believe and how we invest our energy in our belief systems.
Truths: Consciousness informs DNA, not the other way around. Our beliefs about aging, decay and death are just that, beliefs that can be dropped and a mores sustainable working arrangement found within our bodies, whatever their current chronology.
What I observe from this week's attention-paying adventure is something I saw years ago in India. No fear of 'death' but fear of pain and suffering. Growing older is alleged to HURT... and yes, there is proof and evidence to support that. There is also growing evidence to support the truth that our bodies are a sustainable, if not immortal, resource whose foundation is ENERGY.
Where we invest this energy bears fruit.
So what do FOMO, FOCO and FOGO have in common besides fear? Each is a reaction to the perceived inevitability of certain kinds of change. These perceived inevitabilities are belief systems about how life has to be.
A belief system is a thought pattern that we have found reasons to argue for. We support these thought patterns and they become entrenched as beliefs.
I prefer to abbreviate Belief System as B.S. Enough said.
As one who has passed the half century mark in chronology, I am not pooh-poohing the fear, but passing on a different kind of understanding. What we are taught to believe is what we not only perceive, but embody and manifest.
What if there were other possibilities? In an Infinite multiverse, why not manifest along the lines of more sustainable potentials?
Change is not the 'tiger in the room'. We are surrounded by the unknown and unknowable and it is an infinite mystery.
Maybe these acronyms are a convenient way of labeling things we don't want spend attention on because we might have to change how we invest our energy. Maybe our drive to not type as many letters is another thing that will change. Maybe 'lots of things'. Which ones matter to you?
Changes in investing are inevitable. Why not begin with what matters?
{It isn't fear}
Making a new investment in THIS. Thank you.