Hurry up, and wait

in #bloglast month

It started, as these things often do, with a completely ordinary Tuesday afternoon that was masquerading as a Monday. Some people like a Monday, and the promise of a fresh start that it brings, others hate them, as it signals the end to a weekend.

This Tuesday, pretending to be a Monday, was when I expected absolutely nothing unreasonable to happen. Then, there I was, contentedly arranging my life around the comforting notion that certain changes are safely tucked away in that nebulous realm known as "years from now" – that mythical time period where we store all the things we're not quite ready to deal with yet, like learning to juggle or finally understanding why HIVE isn't worth significantly more.

And then, it happened. The change that was supposed to remain firmly planted in the distant future came crashing into that present moment, and has given me pause for choice. A choice that I've now been able to execute.

The funny thing about change arriving ahead of schedule is that it has this peculiar way of making you realise you've been rehearsing for exactly this moment in the back of your mind all along. Yet, now that it is upon me, all that rehearsal means nothing without the empty stage before me.

So here I am, standing at the threshold of what my more optimistic friends would call "an opportunity" and some "uncertainty" while I look at a vast, empty white void, akin to the loading construct in The Matrix.

The next few months stretch before me like a blank canvas, if blank canvases came with helpful yet anxiety-inducing post-it notes reading "Better make this good, mate." I've never liked an empty notepad or a blank word document, it always threatens me with an aura of "don't fuckin' ruin me!"

Perhaps this is the universe's way of telling me to stop waiting for the perfect moment to pursue those dreams I've kept carefully preserved in mental bubble wrap. Or perhaps it's just the universe's way of saying "Surprise! I thought you could use some chaos on your imposter Monday".

Either way, I find myself not yet sure on how to map out the transformed future that awaits me beyond the gates of the hour hand. Like a boom gate, it holds me in place just a little while longer.

AI image generation didn't quite pull off this concept as I intended, but its fairly close

I don't know what is coming next for me, but I am excited. I will share more information in the ... future, when things are a little more concrete.

There's a high chance I'll be creating more photographic art, ensuring my camera batteries are charged more regularly, and some exploration of the open road; before I settle into whatever becomes next.

For now though, I sit, I stand, I squat (at the gym) and I wait, with anticipatory exhalation as to the verdant, lush future that can await me. For the first time, in a long time, I'll be a master of my own universe, and I cannot wait.


Somewhat cryptic, but I'm in your corner :)

Intentionally so :)