Objects at rest

in #blog5 months ago

Prior to August 19, 2024, I was busy. I was placing objects and items and in fact, my entire life into slices of dead tree, fashioned into what we call today boxes. I was selling items I couldn't see myself using, or wanting to use, and trying to eliminate the volume and mass of my worldly possessions.

img by Ben Cheung, source: Pexels

Not only is a clean out good for the mind and soul, it is good also for the wallet, and there's a certain sense of achievement in defying the universe's desire for chaos over order. I think this is why every man is forever cleaning out his garage / shed / man cave or personal space.

We tend to want to seek order amid chaos.

Now, almost three months after the shedding of chaos beginning, I'm a single day away from returning to work after three months away from the daily grind of meetings and generally making good suggestions that get ignored or are attributed to somebody else.

I've travelled approximately 2000KM up and down, back and forth, side to side, and haven't washed my car in so many very weeks, that it really needs a spa-day. The only problem is we have storms forecast over the coming days, so that will have to wait.

I'm in a new house, with a small mortgage, an extra bedroom, and my body is sore, tired, proud, and in fear of what is to come over the next few years.

The one advantage of moving is that I am now in a much quieter area, and while there's many less amenities than my previous suburb, I don't mind, as I've come to realise that I do not require them.

Instead, I've got a lifetime's worth of work to do in this home and garden, and as I said, lying in bed one night, "I want to die in this house". I don't want to move all my belongings again and have all these things to do.

The good news is that now I'll have more time once more to do the things that I enjoy.

I've got a rather long mental backlog of things that I want to type up, say, and publish, but the thing that I am most excited about is the fact that I have garage that can double as a photography studio, and I've tested it, and it works rather well.

There's still more expenses to come to make my new home perfect, and more time to use while doing that, but for now, my obscure location of Adelaide, South Australia is further from the centre, but closer to bliss.

I wonder only how I can be better at rest during this new epoch of domicile horror, because I've probably had, at best a few days where I haven't toiled away at other tasks.

Today is the final day I have the opportunity to be at rest, and I shall not be objecting to that.

I'll be writing various things in the future about the things I like about my new home. I'll go back to playing through my steam library in alphabetical order. I'll read books. I'll play my piano. I'll take photographs in my new garage studio. I'll publish the ones I didn't.

There's much to share, much to commit to record, and I hope you'll be entertained or amused by the things to come.

Hello again. Goodbye for now.


Make sure you enjoy your rest
It can be very good to take rests so that you will come back stronger
Enjoy it and have fun

The rest will be over soon. Its only for the rest of today.