Perfect. It's half my wisdom missing. I made a joke with friends last night and it made me smile. That HURT like absolute buggery, so I'm finding serious things to do, like trying to distil only two computer monitors in front of me instead of four.
There's physically two.
But technically only one was taken by force, right? So hear my out - maybe, just maybe - this 1/4 stayed there? Maybe there is a chance for more, witty, and maybe little bit meanspirited comments in the future?
Sounds like shitty time, really. Did you gained any new powers or something as a price for a pain and all those money?
I have gained the power of drooling and mouth breathing. I shall soon be an unstoppable force.
I guess it something!
< squints eyes > It is, right?
Maybe you filled wrong form before the operation, eh? Or ticked wrong boxes?
Pretty sure my depression, wit, anxiety, humour, and generalised disdain for everything still exists, so I'm okay, with a splattering of oral pain and the ability to eat custard like its going out of fashion. I fucking love custard. I've got to have my antibiotics in 15 minutes, so I get to have 150 calories of custard
I am glad that your personality is unspoiled! I will check on you tomorrow(my tomorrow :D)
Really glad you are - relatively - ok:)
This is the way maths should work, I like that. I eat oat custard, becouse plant one is only one I can have it, but really like this odd liquid, yellowish thing!
Thank you. Sleep well!
So how are you doing?
Did you start to grow back your missing wisdom?