The Intel i7 920 was one of the greatest CPUs. Its speed, its overclockability (but not its power consumption) was renowned as greatness. It's still an excellent performing CPU, capable of completing any task thrown at it.
The motherboard I hosted mine on is equally as reliable. Note its age... it still has a floppy connector and IDE port. There's no m.2 slot or USB 3.0, and yes, that's a stock cooler.
Triple channel memory is included as well. With all this nostalgia, there's bound to be dust. The case itself, a literal fortress of brushed aluminium, has too been around that long. A decade of service. Time to give this ol girl some love.
A novel feature which has fallen out of favor with modern pc cases is a motherboard tray that you can remove. Allow me to demonstrate:
It was at the point that I took to each and every component, grill and fan blade with a paint brush, followed up by compressed air. When I removed the shroud and fans from the top of the case, I discovered sentient life. This was disgusting. I'm surprised the fans ran at all.
These were cleaned, lovingly. Apologetically, and with my head held in deep shame. With all electro- sensitive devices removed from the chassis; I attacked with a vacuum. Shiny, clean; dust free.
But there's no GPU?! I have a solution, and its complete overkill for a PC that will only ever game at a max res of 1920x1200 (yes, a 16:10 display!)
Here's the graphics solution:
This is a gaming rig for my girlfriend, so she'll be able to partake of the glories that are the PC Masterrace. It could probably do with a faster, and larger SSD, but when the existing one fails is when the upgrade will happen.
Great photos about old Pc👍
This is great work... I posted my art work and see your post on new feed.. can u plz check it out for support.. thanks
This is the stuff of nightmares.
How funny! I built a budget gaming system in 2009 with insurance money after my computer had gotten stolen. It's still my main system, but mostly because the ex kept me very very broke. Mine's an Athlon x3 2.9Ghz, with an ATI HD 5770, also with USB 3.0 and lots of bells and whistles for its time. Good times! It doesn't play the latest games anymore so I expect my next build within the year.
Upvoted! Thank you for sharing and reminding me of how much my own system needs to be replaced! lol
I would have thrown that. The dust in the fans was probably grease and skin mostly.
Atomic matter from another dimension.
Now you can cloudmine
Lol. That fan!
Yeah, it had enough dust to knit a sweater.
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Your post is cool I really like your own work, have fun in this steemit, really beautiful this world friend, I hope you succeed in this steemit I will always support you, Give me time to see my post, see lah here @andriannaa