Explaining the 'magical' properties of HHO, Browns Gas, MagnaGas & Resonant Hydrogen Plasma & More

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

What is going on in this video?

I am going to explain it with what I see and understand. Below is a slice of my own thoughts, laid out for discussion.

According to Kenneth Shoulders, the action of bubbles forming causes charge separation. The cell here, as many others in this field, forms bubbles very quickly and this is key to the gas having the desired properties.

The bubbles lead to the formation of charge clusters (analogue of heavy electrons in this case that may or may not contain entrained positive ions), they replace the electrons in the hydrogen molecule, making it denser. This is easy to do since h+ (or protons alone) are formed at the time of electrolysis, this provides both ready positive ions for the charge clusters and also an ionised atom nuclei that wishes to grab the nearest -1 charge particle in the vicinity to re-stabalise. The charge clusters have a charge of -1 and can be far more massive than a common electron. The most simple is the composite particle, given various names, and speculated first by Reginald B Little as "e- p e-", however, Prof. Francesco Piantelli has a patent on one name variant, which he calls "H-"

As Moray B King says, there are two fractions to activated HHO gas, one is the plain hydrogen and oxygen, the other is this 'heavy' stuff. I am explaining what the heavy stuff is.

The Tungsten is not brought to its melting point, it just 'looks' like it is hot AND it is in a 'liquid' state. In fact, looking at the colour of the so called 'molten tungsten' in the video, you should know it is not actually at its melting temperature, if you don't believe me, plug in a tungsten lightbulb and ask yourself why you can't even look at the filament, and yet the filament is not molten..

This effect is brought about by the heavy electrons / charge clusters that conduct into the metal and can be excited into a different state where they do not hold on to their adjacent atoms (via Van-der-walls / Casimir) in the same way as a plain and pure electrons do.

Where there are different conductivity materials, more charge clusters go into the more conductive element. There is still some recombination heat that does raise the temperature and also stimulate the charge clusters to 'go soft' on adjacent atoms. Also the heat stimulates their break down causing both more heat and a glow that looks like heat but is not as the process excites local atoms. This is what allows the coming together of dissimilar materials, like wood (unburnt) and aluminium in John Hutchinson's work and what would, for instance, allow paper to be found in what 'looked' like a melted filing cabinet, if, for instance, you wanted to make such a curiosity.

Suhas Ralkar's observations

In my first few minutes of meeting Suhas Ralkar, as he explained how he came to research LENR, I asked if his observation of his Titanium getting 'red hot' in his 'resonant hydrogen plasma' discharge process was actually because it got hot, or because it looked hot. In subsequent discussions I quizzed him as to if the water flowing around the 'glowing' sample was boiling off and he said he didn't really notice - IMPO, if the titanium was really hot, it would have been rapidly turning the water to steam and have been VERY obvious. In the case of Suhas' process, the charge clusters are both formed, conducted and excited in a series of rapid consecutive steps. He also says that in certain cases with iron, it 'melts' - in a water bath?? Without a steam explosion??

Suhas Ralkar's foil making process appears to lead to transmutations.

Me356's observations

Here is an image a researcher called 'me356' shared a while back, animated for clarity

Figure 1: "Excess heat on/off" showes curious glowing of adjascent stainless steel SOURCE

This is what he says

As I said, same power, both with very same fuel. Right photo was captured 3 minutes later when I turned excess heat off (Yes, it is possible).

Absolutely nothing changed, just one is running with excess heat second one without. It is identical reactor, but photo was captured 3 minutes later. Later I have turned excess heat On again.

Temperature of the heater is also same. You can see that the heater is heating stainless steel tube.

But stainless steel tube on the left is glowing "on its own" even on the place where heater is not present.

If you know what is thermal conductivity of a stainless steel you will see that something is really strange on the left photo.."

me356 has created a field and/or stimulation, that is changing the state of the charge clusters in the reactor and the stainless, in the case of the stainless it makes it 'look' hot, but me356 self admittedly says the "temperature of the heater" and the "power" are the same (except for the signal to switch states one presumes). Since we know from John Hutchinson and Kenneth shoulders that activating charge clusters can cause transmutations, and that mainstream physics says that the transmutations have to be accompanied by energy/particle release/capture, it would seem likely that, depending on his fuel choice, me356 was seeing excess heat at these controlled times. This is the definition of directed energy.

Why does the glass crack?

When the gas is applied to the glass alone, there is little conduction of the charge clusters into it. Real and normal heating has to take place through re-combination of the 'light' fraction of the HHO, which is highly localised, this causes stress in the glass resulting in it breaking.


Since electrons hold matter together, and since heat loosens their grip, we can safely conclude that anything that appears to make metals 'liquid' at a lower input energy, is to do with electrons. Now, if the electrons could be made to more efficiently loose their grip - then they would do so in a 'cold' state. If an analogue of them were a little more susceptible to loosing their grip, then heat would do that at a lower temperature.

IMPO, based on my current understanding, in the case of John Hutchinson, light, in the form of microwaves in the band 21 - 24cm, is better than heat at doing the same trick of triggering the charge clusters (and even electrons) to let go. Once they have let go and are in the 'liquid' state, they can, in an electrostatic field, and in combination with MW radiation, build charge clusters that will concentrate at the standing wave maximum points in metal samples. This is why Hutchinson's samples break in the middle or 1/3rd in from an end. If the charge clusters become too large and break, they cause transmutation and fracturing of the metal.

Also, the charge clusters are formed and held at the centre of the centre of these standing wave maximum nodes, when the power is turned off, two things happen, the metal 'freezes' and the charge clusters propagate to the surface, where they can cause rapid oxidation, disintegration/transmutation of the metal surface and even glowing and what might appear as fire. They do this by stimulation of surrounding electrons and atoms on the surface. Since Suhas Ralkar's 'Resonant Hydrogen Plasma' is rapidly on and off, there is no build up to extreme levels.

Most effective elements for charge cluster / electrostatic / Microwave / discharge / sound based technology

MetalMelting pointMost conductive
Aluminium660.3 °C4th
Silver961.8 °C1st
Gold1,064 °C3rd
Copper1,085 °C2nd

What this is telling us that Aluminium would be most susceptible of all of the elements to disintegration - the surface would tear off atom by atom and since aluminium readily forms a highly stable oxide, this would result in nano particles of Al2O3 which due to the properties of charge clusters, may be lighter than air, resulting in them 'fuming' off, though Al atoms alone might fume off. Aluminium would also be one of the best for cold forming and production of charge clusters in the first place, however you would want to cold form in an inert atmosphere and ideally with nothing more than state-changed electrons. This is why I now think that, in a hydrogen atmosphere, Aluminium would be a great LENR material, since above its melting point, it can allow the formation of charge clusters that can act to transmute material when the charge cluster building stimulation is switched off.

Silver is optimal combination between cost, melting point, ability to store charge clusters (due to proton quanta) and conductivity. Having this element 'molten' in a noble gas/hydrogen atmosphere with arc discharge will yield great effects - since the discharge provides electron density, static field and a range of RF/MW simultaneously. Silver in a hydrogen / noble gas atmosphere could also work by, after being made molten, applying sound cavitation, or tuned RF/microwaves in a similar atmosphere, in the latter case, tuned microwaves in a static electric field would be optimal. Tuning the microwaves will need a lot of thought on housing material and form. Pulsing 'chirps' of microwaves will be necessary to prevent over build up of charge clusters which would result in destruction of containment as discovered by Norris Peery.

Metals that are particularly good at taking on hydrogen isotopes into their bulk would be desirable as these could form charge clusters easily within them, particular examples would be Palladium, Titanium, though Aluminium and Silver can dissolve hydrogen much more readily when molten.

Gold is the best store of charge clusters for later instantaneous deployment, due to its noble nature and large number of protons.

Any metal storing charge clusters can 'infect' other conductors by simple contact, the level of effects achievable either via forced action or natural processes exhibited in the affected material will be dependent on its conductivity, its natural melting point and its nobility. You would not want a device that created charge clusters to have a conduction path to ground through the steel structure of your building, for instance, as there would be a risk of structural failure in a number of novel ways.

Therefore, any reactor utilising this effect needs to be not grounded - and not connected to other grounded metal. Conversely, grounding can release the build up in the reactor, however, charge cluster based electron analogues will take time to migrate to earth and be dissipated. Indeed, the possibility may exist that metals charged in this way, could provide electricity, via a semiconductor, to power grounded devices, this may be one aspect of how the Henry Moray device worked.

The good news is, paper, alumina (below 1000ºC), de-ionised water, clothing, humans etc. are not good conductors and so we can't take on board this concentrated energy by touch/induction/beam alone. However, if we are holding anything metallic that has them in, either by field induction, beam delivery or infection, and then they are triggered, they could, for instance, release their energy as an incredible electric shock which would then conduct through the body and kill you. This is the basis of weapons used in Syria, reported by on-the ground journalists there.

Prediction / test

I would suggest that someone takes a billet of IRON, exposes one half to a suitable HHO torch like the one above for a long period of time, then, using an insulated grip and tool in a lathe, lathe off the surface and place both samples on an insulator. Then I would observe how fast each part rusts.


At Asti I introduced to the LENR community, research done over decades (not mine) that showed

  1. single atoms separated from any other atom might be at near absolute zero even in an environment that is well over 1000ºC
  2. these atoms 'super conduct' therefore, as they are below their critical temperature

and I had an Easter egg in the presentation slides there was no time to report.

Since this process appears to be able to reduce matter to single atoms, it follows that the matter could get into this state. The evidence suggest they are extremely light and are affected less by gravity

People cleaning up after the event which we cannot talk about, were apparently standing with their steel toe cap boots in molten Iron for up to two hours before their boots came apart - don't you think that is a little odd, why didn't their feet cook, after all, conventional molten iron would be above 1,538 °C and then there is the hydraulics used to lift 'molten' metal, that fails at over 90ºC.

Suhas really did see iron 'melting' in a water bath - so it was below 100ºC.

People don't understand that in 1 week, after 4.5 years of research with leaders in the field I independently realised that John Hutchinson and Kenneth Shoulders explained LENR and that event and then I had proof. Just 3 days after my realisation, I discovered the work of Judy wood. 3 days after that I gave my IIT Mumbai presentation and the following morning I met someone that tells me the reason he got into LENR was that he observed something [that was the most striking anomalies at the event we cannot talk about] - and in the back of my mind, I knew that me356 had seen the same thing.

It is logically impossible for it not to be what nature does always given the right circumstances and you can see it in this HHO video above (note the perspex/acrylic does not melt at beginning of video). 20 mins after Suhas left me at the airport, I then recorded my impassioned intro. I was annoyed about what had happened, however, I knew that there was a next to impossible task ahead to educate others.

At Asti I had people briefing against me and even people coming up to me and for over half an our telling me I needed to back off. Yet others telling me I had to forget the other stuff. But I can't it is the same thing, the same technology and everyone that needs abundant energy has seen it in action without knowing it.

I set out to clear the name of Martin Fleischmann, and the person that destroyed his career, why is the exact same person trying to destroy Dr. Judy Woods - what are the odds?

There are certainly some interesting hypothesis presented and great ideas for experiments. Though I do feel there are some assumptions being made in this blog, I thank you for sharing your perspective. Excited to see what nature has to say about all this. I think it also important to note the work of John Kanzius.

The interesting thing about his work is like you say, he uses RF in a Microwave Band.

** 1.** A generator emits 14-megahertz radio waves.

2 . The waves bombard a solution of regular table salt and water.

  1. Exactly what happens next remains a mystery, but one theory posits that the sodium chloride may weaken the bonds between the strong>oxygen** and hydrogen atoms in water. Radio waves break apart the bonds and liberate flammable hydrogen gas molecules.

  2. A match ignites the hydrogen, generating an intense flame.

  3. The resulting heat powers a simple engine.

Look forward to learning more about Suhas's Reactor design. Keep up the great work my friend.

As said, this blog is for discussion, I am trying to explain the same observations observed by multiple independent parties and inviting comment.

I am aware of this work.

The 'excess' in all these systems has to come from somewhere, either from binding energy changes, disintegration of nucleons or from the aether.... OR something I call it the 'dyson air multiplier effect' these systems may entrain more electrons from the environment (which could include the aether) to build charge clusters which will be able to yield energy and break chemical and elemental bonds.

De-ionised water will not work, and that is why you have to have the salt in there - you have to be able to have a way to capture the charge clusters.

There is another interesting concept I have for how charge clusters lead to 'transmutation' though I will address that in an entirely separate blog.

Why wouldn't there be at least some binding to DI water simply due to its normal polarization? If it's pure charge behavior, that'd be enough- there's got to be something else involved having to do with bulk conductivity.

Making metal glow 'white hot' but cool to touch, yet another testimony...

Given the mounting evidence from multiple sources, 'spectrographic emissions' and metal 'vaporisation' cannot be used reliably to determine potential energy yield from novel energy systems.

Partial transcript includes details of how Dupont battery researchers were able to make metal objects disappear or levitate, just by causing a huge spark when throwing the switch on large batteries.


Most likely time of recording is estimated to be early 80s.

Tip off: Francois Toussaint

Several observations, Bob-
I wouldn't call it welding unless you find intermetallics in the wire, glass, or both, and a heat-affected zone in the wire (indicates localized melting), and there's no test results or at least something qualitative like photomicrographs to indicate that. Intermetallics, because significant alloying with Si, Na, K or other metals common in glass would be normally very unlikely without the wire melting in such a brief time- but if charge cluster behavior is the governing parameter here, then very exotic alloys COULD be present in appreciable amounts, and that would be even more significant.
I've never seen anyone try an A-B cutting or welding test between HF-produced hydroxy/Brown's gas against a conventional oxy-hydrogen torch- the charge-cluster explanation is still not very rigorous, (I have nothing at all against this hypothesis)

  • but your test for that needs to rule out the effects cutting the billet has on oxidation rates- necessarily exactly in half, as well as ruling out magnetic gradients there from the cutting and surface removal- maybe just face both samples? Maybe laser cutting? This gets very slippery trying to collate the data to intermediate state to initial input.

Some of us (I hope) are familiar with some glassworkers' techniques- you can take a hot enough blade and "cut" holes in glass without cracking, or the classic way to cut tubing with a polished edge, a garotte of hot resistance wire drawn tight.

Face cutting both would be easiest and a start point.

Some studies of 'welded' surfaces would be useful, however, just like with the Hutchinson fused dissimilar materials and the filing cabinet from 911 (apparently managed to 'melt' but not burn paper) I would expect them to only have inter-metallics or alloys where pure metals interacted, and even then rarely.

Just look at how that thing 'melted', kind of like scrunched up, but in a plastic amorphous way. I used to run a burger stall on a Sunday for years, with a charcoal barbecue in half of an oil drum - I never saw anything like this.

This is ridiculously undervalued like most of your past posts.

Following you now and I resteemed your latest post, if you reply here I'll throw ya a 100% vote for this post on your comment.

Thanks, very much appreciate your attention. Hope to demonstrate in time how all this technology works and end the disbelief - this is not magic - it is science and just how nature can work.

Thanks, loads. I hope to bust this tech out, so people can see it is not magic, it is just science - and by the way - this is incredibly ancient tech - in fact it is eternal, since it is nature at work.

This was Hutchinson making metal glow, apparently without heat triggered by static field and EM stimulation

E. H. Lewis in August 2006 notes that Benjamin Franklin may have been one of the earliest 'Cold Fusion' researchers all the way back in the 1700s.

For example, several hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin as a part of his research which helped to establish the paradigm of electrical and heat fluids for physics, studied what he called, ironically, “cold fusion”
xviii phenomena. By this term he meant the anomalous effect of lightning strikes on metallic objects. These metallic objects, such as coins in a pocket or a sword in a scabbard, seemed to have melted, but he thought it was odd that there was no trace of burning or scorching of the
material around the objects, as would be expected if the metals became hot enough to melt. He called this phenomenon “cold fusion” because the objects fused though they were cold. The modern cold fusion phenomenon of atoms fusing or changing behavior is really a part of this same effect of atoms behaving anomalously under stressful conditions such as the presence of BL or electricity.

And further on in the same document ed notes

K. Shoulders published Figs. 6 and 7 as an example of this behavior of material(19). He wrote that two plasmoids passed all the way through a sample of aluminum oxide, and then hit a 6-micrometer-thick sample of aluminum that was coated with wax and passed through that also. The two plasmoids left the two small holes in the aluminum sample as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 7 is a magnification of one of the entry pits into the aluminum target. He reported that the plasmoid passed all the way through the aluminum sample target also. The white deposit around the holes is aluminum oxide from the aluminum oxide sample. He reports that though the aluminum oxide atoms traveled from the aluminum oxide sample to spread themselves on the aluminum target sample, they were not hot. He wrote that the atoms of aluminum oxide had spread themselves out on the target to a thickness of a 1-atom layer, but a coating of wax on the sample was not melted at all. He wrote: “Aluminum oxide has a melting point of 2,050 degrees centigrade, and yet, it has not raised the temperature of the thin substrate material in any perceptible way. Even a thin coating of low temperature wax on the surface, to serve as a temperature indicator, remains undisturbed.(19)