Anticipation for a beautiful sublime Sunday experience to come

in #blog7 days ago

Excitement bubbles inside, today is the day I try out 'float therapy' for an hour at a place called Float Space. I have read that there are pod type of tank baths that contains Epsom-salt (500 grams of Magnesium Sulphate, for clients to relax and float. I read that you can wear your bathers if preferred, but it is encouraged to go nude. Privacy is assured with a private room the brochure says thank goodness.

It would seem that floating in/on magnesium loaded water provides stress release, decreases any toxic chemical in the body, is high relaxing and excellent for physical, mental and emotional well being and assisting the recovery of diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease etc. The short term and long term effects have been proven through research.

So today at 3:30 this afternoon, an adventure brought to me by one of very thought sons on Mother"s Day, I am ready for a sublime out of this world floating experience; no noice, on my own with my eyes closed and my mind still.


Happy Sunday, make it as beautiful and sublime as you can

Sending flower joy and happiness to all the mums, it is a day for love. Happy Mother's Day girls, you have done good deserving special treats and lots of love.


#beautifulsunday brought by @ace108

#sublimesunday brought by @cOff33a

#alwaysaflower brought by @dswigle

Thank you