Sorry to break the news to you, but you are still a loser. You have no purpose. You are a taker.
You've clearly got talent. You're a great writer. Now go find your purpose. Be driven by love, not by fear, the fear of not having enough money to continue to live in Thailand and "bang" young women who are looking for love and have not yet learned to avoid men like you. Be a giver. Grow up, dude.
LOL look at this guy. You're right, I am still a loser, but not for the reasons you listed.
Yes, I am a taker. That is my purpose. To take.
But the trick is to take from people who want to give to you. And if they don't want to, you do everything you can to make them want to. Especially the ones looking for love. Those are my favorite ones.
From your post, it appears that you have chosen the path of selfishness. "Those who are selfish shall not taste true love." It is a foolish path, and those who follow your example are the bigger fools. When you are older, you will not be proud of the wake of destruction and heartbreak that you have left, and you will find that you have surrounded yourself with people just like yourself.
Giving really is better than receiving. A life of taking is a life driven by fear. It is the life of a cancer cell.
I might have you all wrong. I'm just going from your well written and entertaining post. The real test is whether you are the kind of man who pisses all over the toilet seat, or the kind of man who lifts the seat back out of the way so that the next asshole to enter the stall won't piss all over it.
Brother let me tell you, putting aside all this serious talk for a second, you really missed your calling as a video game writer. I feel like I’m playing Baldur’s Gate 2.
+1 for the baldur's gate drop.
Even in a two line post, you exhibit that you think of people as objects. There is another way to see things, in which each encounter is sacred, each person is sacred, and life is experienced with purpose and duty. Rather than toy with me, reflect on my words, on whether the pleasures of life are bringing you happiness, and on where you will be when you are my age (63) if you continue on your path. Good luck and best regards.