We lack general leadership. Because of this we have all sorts of problems. People often recognize this and try to solve these problems and end up preaching which usually gets the message to no one. Unless you are involved in an established religion but that is besides the point. Lead by example. If your belief is true then you must live it. If your message is true and you're actions match then people will usually listen. The hardest part about the decentralized movement is sharing the power behind it. The thought of a world built systematically different scares people and that is alright. Wrapping our minds around the possibilities and plan of action is hard enough with "clear" perception. To have someone telling you why it could be, should be, would be. More or less is useless. Unless the individual is already invested you probably will not reach them. My purpose with this post is to remind and promote to the community to lead by example. Even as one person you're actions will reach a handful of people at the least. As a collective we can show the world just what we are talking about when it comes to decentralization, crypto economics, block chains etc. I have had discussions with several's of people in my personal life about the revolutionary aspects behind crypto and decentralization. In all of those with the exception of a few. The others failed to realize how obtainable this revolution is. Comparing it to many cases in the past. It is important to note this is unlike anything in our past. The dynamics of this situation are new to our time.
If you are new too the crypto space and you see more then just $$$ I imagine you want to get more involved. There are plenty of ways you can be. Start off by learning what the hypes about. Find out how btc, eth and others work. Look into projects and what they aim to do. Is it realistic, who's behind it. Maybe it's just not yet imagined, perhaps you build your own projects solving a problem. If the developing side isn't your thing then share your thoughts. New incite and ideas are always good and if they reach developers can be incorporated or even adopted by communities. You bring additional value to the community coming in educated. The more people who take the time to learn what they're getting involved with. The less scams and quicker we can eliminate bs projects and put all that focus on good ones.