Interpol was formed on 7 September 1923.
Currently, 190 countries are members of Interpol.
The first headquarters of Interpol was built in Vienna (Austria) in 1923 and later it was transferred to Leone (France) in 1989.
Interpol collides international criminals by cooperating with countries of the country.
Indeed, the number of criminals in Europe increased after the first World War.
Some criminals had left their country and went away to other countries. And according to the rule, a country's police could not go to another country border. In order to catch such criminals, in 1923, the President of Vienna, Austria, Vienna, the police chief Johann Skover convened a meeting of police officers from many countries with the permission of his government. And 20 countries had established Interpol to cooperate in preventing these crimes.
Whose main office was built in Vienna and Scobar was made its president.
India had been a member of Interpol since 1938.
*** Notices issued by Interpol - Notices issued by Interpol ***
Interpol_Enterpol issues eight types of notices that are eight different colors, red, blue, light blue, green, yellow, black, orange and purple.
This notice issues the General Secret of the Interpol on the request of the National Central Bureau.
After this, the notice publishes the official language of the Interpol organization in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.
The red notice is usually for the arrest and retribution of a criminal.
Blue notice is issued to give or receive additional information about a person.
The green notice is issued about a person who has committed a crime and is afraid that he can go to another country and commit the crime.
Yellow notice is issued to give information about missing.
Black notice is issued if no zombie is identified.
Purple notices are used for the use of methods of crime, devices, criminals used to escape.
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