You can. It doesn't cost much. It just takes time.
You can also get upvotes on old posts, cause it's a new comment. :):) I thought that was cool when I discovered it.
Most people start a site and end up quitting. They didn't understand from the get go that they are building a business. How many people build a business and start seeing a profit 1 2 even 3 years down the line? Not many.
I went in with a lot of passion (a lot has worn off) but I didn't expect to build a fast business. That helped to stick with it. Now I don't make much, but I usually cover my costs at least.
The point is it works. The more I blog, the more I will make in the upcoming months. Each post also adds a dollar value if I were to try and sell my site. :)
Hmmm yeah I agree with what you said. I think right now, I am a little confused about exactly what I want to pursue. I am buzzing with ideas and want to do just about everything but you know that's not just possible. So thinking of what to pursue first and then slowly work on everything I wish to do.
Ahh. I just read your post about your son. I have two boys and they make me smile all the time.
I know what you mean about finding the right direction. Well, what are some of the things you have passion for?
That's also a reason I appreciate Steemit. It gets old just writing about fishing gear all the time. I can come here and write about whatever moves my imagination.
I'm happy to help if I can. Let me know anytime. :)