Hi, guys!
I had a really good pole workout yesterday, to the point where my whole body hurts today and I have no idea how I'm going to train tomorrow, but I guess I'll have to figure something out because I'm not going to skip any more workouts. I'm going to train hard no matter how hard it is. Now I need to go look at my ribs and see how bad they are after that performance of mine, because I did the same trick over and over like eighty times and I still couldn't get it, but I hit the pole with the same part over and over again, and I probably got a real bruise there, maybe I should put some bruise ointment on it so it won't hurt as much tomorrow, although it won't help right away.
I am making little progress with the second part of the novel, I should have started doing this a long time ago, in fact, right after I finished the first one, and now I hope that after a month of hard work I will write it. You just have to take it and continue every day, under no circumstances stop. Just move forward, and everything will work out. Now I know how it works. You just have to write, there are no more secrets here. So that's exactly what I will do. Now I will finish working with the blogs and sit down to continue, every day you need to write at least five pages to move forward steadily.
I have new betas for the next parts of the novel, I hope they will stay with me and give me new valuable recommendations, that would be great. I still want to get feedback on the first part too. But for the second part, I think maybe I should just give some people the synopsis of the first part to read, and give the second volume to the beta. Let's see who wants to work with it. I hope there will be those who want to. I haven't asked such questions yet, but I hope to ask them later.
I have training again tomorrow, and I need to be more restrained with the coach, because if I continue to speak so harshly, they will stop letting me into training, and I can't allow myself to do that. But the problem is that I am almost always hysterical, and that is precisely why I speak harshly, I don't want to be rude to her, I'm just afraid of bursting into tears. I will need to explain this to her tomorrow.
Have a great day everyone!