Hi, guys!
It's time to get back to work on the text and to be honest I'm a little scared. Now it seems to me that everything I've written so far is written terribly weakly and trivially and I want to redo everything, and maybe that's exactly what needs to be done. But I'll still wait for the meeting with the curator to make sure of this. I hope she will tell me what exactly went wrong and what needs to be corrected, because I myself don't really understand yet in which direction I should move, so advice from the other side would be very relevant.
Although maybe it only seems to me, and in fact everything is fine with the text. I don't know anymore. It is clear that in order to draw any conclusions I need to give it to someone else to read, but I'm not ready for that yet. So I don't know what to do now. But in any case, the curator will read it, and that's already something, so all that's left to wait is Friday, and I will already have some information. I'm probably ready to redo everything, I just need a hint on how exactly.
I don't have any big plans for today, most likely my husband and I will just go shopping for groceries and then spend some time playing the Moria game again. It's starting to get boring and I don't think we'll play it for much longer. We'll probably go back to our previous routine soon. But it's still interesting, so we'll play for a while. And after that my husband will go back to his work, and I'll go back to mine.
On the one hand, I need to go shopping, and on the other hand, I still haven't had any inspiration to cook, so this is also somewhat of a stupid move, because I have no idea what exactly to buy, I don't want to do anything. But I still need something, so I probably need to go too.
Have a great day everyone!