Hi, guys!
Mne prishlos' polnost'yu peredelat' moye sportivnoye raspisaniye v sootvestvii s tem, chto teper' u menya drugaya studiya i drugoy trener posle togo, kak trener iz moyey postoyannoy studii ot menya otkazalas'. Svoloch', vsego to iz-za neskol'kikh slezinok na trenirovke zapretit' mne khodit', da kak tak mozhno oobshche. Chtob ot neye tozhe tak trenery otkazyvalis', strannaya kakaya-to. Nu i chto teper' u menya budet drugaya trener, kotoraya gorazdo luchshe i= interesneye, i ya uzhe dozhdat'sya ne mogu, kogda nachnu u neye trenirovat'sya. no teper' etogo nado podozhdat' neskol'ko nedel', poka ya smogu nachat' tam zanimat'sya. Nichego strashnogo, nemnogo podozhdu. Sovsem nemnogo vremeni, i smogu vernut'sya k trenirovkam, i budet yeshche luchshe, chem bylo do etogo, potomu chto tam trener gorazdo boleye adekvatnaya, i ona ne vygonyayet uchenikov za slezy na trenirovkakh. I u neye zanimat'sya gorazdo priyatneye, poetomu k ney ya budu khodit' s gorazdo bol'shim udovol'stviyem. A eta pust' delayet chto khochet, poshla ona v zhopu, ne nuzhna ona mne. U menya ponemnogu poluchayetsya naladit' grafik yezhednevnogo pis'ma, ponemnogu rastet tekst vtorogo toma moyego romana, i ya ochen' nadeyus', chto spravlyus' s nim yesli ne za mesyats, to za dva tochno. Starayus' pisat' pyat' stranits v den', a yesli chuvstvuyu, chto mogu bol'she, to bol'she. Khotelos' by, chtob bylo desyat', no poka chto tak mnogo ne poluchayetsya, no mozhet nachnet poluchat'sya so vremenim, kogda ya voydu vo vkus. Mozhet yesli by u menya byl boleye podrobno raspisanyy plan, to poluchalos' by i po desyat'. YA dumayu nad tem, chtob vecherom raspisyvaat' sebe plan togo, chto ya mogla by napisat' na sleduyushchiy den', no poka chto u menya tak ne poluchayetsya, a mne kazhetsya, chto eto bylo by polezno. Takim obrazom u menya byl by uzhe gotovyy plan togo, chto ya khochu napisat' i na sleduyushchiy den' ya mogla by sadit'sya i pisat' po zaraneye sformirovannomu planu, i eto bylo by proshche, i mozhet tak u menya poluchalos' by bol'she. Ili net, poka chto ya ne znayu, no mozhno bylo by tak poprobovat'. YA uzhe peresobrala sumku dlya svoyey novoy sportivnoy studii, no do nachala zanyatiy nuzhno podozhdat' yeshche nedelyu. Nadeyus' u menya khvatit na eto terpeniya. Ran'she zapisat'sya bylo nel'zya, poetomu prikhoditsya tak dolgo zhdat'. Nado budet pozanimat'sya silovoy doma, chtob ne poteryat' formu i chtob takiye aktivnyye zanyatiya ne okazalis' dlya organizma shokom. Vsem otlichnogo dnya!
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I had to completely change my workout schedule to accommodate the fact that I now have a different studio and a different trainer after the trainer from my regular studio ditched me. Bastard, to forbid me from going just because of a few tears during training, how could that even happen. For trainers to ditch her like that, she's weird. So what, now I'll have a different trainer who's much better and = more interesting, and I can't wait to start training with her. But now I'll have to wait a few weeks until I can start training there.
It's okay, I'll wait a little. Just a little time, and I'll be able to return to training, and it will be even better than before, because the trainer there is much more adequate, and she doesn't kick students out for crying during training. And it's much more enjoyable to train with her, so I'll go to her with much more pleasure. And let this one do what she wants, screw her, I don't need her.
I am gradually getting into a daily writing schedule, the text of the second volume of my novel is gradually growing, and I really hope that I will cope with it if not in a month, then in two for sure. I try to write five pages a day, and if I feel that I can do more, then more. I would like to write ten, but so far I have not been able to do that much, but maybe I will start to do it over time, when I get a taste for it. Maybe if I had a more detailed plan, then I could do ten. I am thinking about writing out a plan for myself in the evening of what I could write the next day, but so far I have not been able to do it, and it seems to me that it would be useful.
This way I would already have a ready-made plan of what I want to write, and the next day I could sit down and write according to a pre-formulated plan, and it would be easier, and maybe I would be able to do more. Or not, I don’t know yet, but I could try.
I have already repacked my bag for my new sports studio, but I have to wait another week before classes start. I hope I have enough patience for this. It was impossible to sign up earlier, so I have to wait so long. I will need to do some strength training at home so as not to lose shape and so that such active classes do not become a shock to the body.
Have a great day everyone!