Creating new story

in #blog17 days ago

Hi, guys!

YA khotela nachat' aktivno rabotat' pryamo s pervogo chisla, no poka chto u menya eto ne poluchilos', ot strakha, chto mne segodnya nado skhodit' na dve aktivnykh trenirovki ya segodnya prospala, poetomu osalos' malo vremeni na to, chtob porabotat', poetomu ya dade ne ochen' znayu, chem mne zanyat'sya do togo vremeni, kak pora budet idti na zanyatiye. Dumayu mozhet napisat' paru stranits yekorrektsii v pervyy roman, eto tozhe bylo by ochen' neplokho, ili mozhno bylo by zanyat'sya chem-to drugim, naprimer prosto pochitat', a yeshche mne nado snyat' video dlya bloga. Segodnya u menya dve ochen' aktivnykh trenirovki, navernoye ya dade poproshu muzha vstretit' menya posle nikh, chtob ya spokoyno doshla domoy, potomu chto dumayu cht'ol domoy ya prosto popolzu, u menya ochen' sil'naya trener, kotoraya skoreye vsego vyb'yet iz menya vse, chto mozhno. No nichego strashnogo, v etom mesyatse ya poobeshchala sebe nachat' aktivno trenirovat'sya i eto budet khorosheye nachalo. YA napisala plan na fevral' i on dovol'no nasyshchennyy, teper' nado nachat' aktivno yego vypolnyat'. Nadeyus' u menya vse poluchitsya. Osobenno s uchetom togo, chto ya snova nachinayu trenirovat'sya i planiruyu postoyanno dobavlyat' trenirovki v svoy grafik. V kontse u menya ne dolzhno byt' trenirovok tol'ko po subbotam, a vse ostal'nyye dni budut trenirovochnyye. Nadeyus' vse poluchittsya, ya yeshche khochu sbrosit' ves, i eto tozhe ochen' vazhno, chtob vnizit' nagruzku na sustavy, potomu chto v proshlom mesyatse u menya uzhe byli problemy s kolenyami, i ya ne khochu, chtob oni snova vernulis'. Mne nuzhno nachat' ra'otat' so vtorym tomom moyey knigi i zavershit' rabotu nad pervym tomom, a yeshche ya khochu nachat' rabotat' nad uyutnym fentezi dlya konkursa. Mne kazhetsya yesli gramotno raspredelit' vremya, to vse dolzhno poluchit'sya. Nadeyus', chto tak i budet. Tepetr' prishlo vremya sobirat' sportivnuyu formu, glavnoye nichego ne zabyt'. Dumayu vse proydet otlichno, posle trenirovki obyazatel'no polezhu v goryaschey vannoy, chtob zavtra vse bolelo ne tak sil'no. Khotya ono vse ravno budet bolet'. Vsem otlichnogo dnya!
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I wanted to start working actively right from the first of the month, but so far I haven't been able to do it, because I was so scared that I had to go to two active workouts today that I overslept today, so I had little time to work, so I don't really know what to do until it's time to go to class. I'm thinking maybe I'll write a couple of pages of corrections to my first novel, that would also be very nice, or I could do something else, like just read, and I also need to shoot a video for the blog.

Today I have two very active workouts, I'll probably ask my husband to meet me after them so that I can calmly get home, because I think I'll just crawl home, I have a very strong trainer who will most likely knock everything out of me that she can. But it's okay, this month I promised myself to start training actively and it will be a good start.

I wrote a plan for February and it's quite busy, now I need to start actively implementing it. I hope everything will work out for me. Especially considering that I'm starting to train again and plan to constantly add training to my schedule. In the end, I shouldn't only train on Saturdays, and all the other days will be training.

I hope everything will work out, I also want to lose weight, and this is also very important to reduce the load on the joints, because last month I already had problems with my knees, and I don't want them to come back again.

I need to start working on the second volume of my book and finish work on the first volume, and I also want to start working on a cozy fantasy for the contest. I think if I manage my time wisely, everything should work out. I hope so.

Now it's time to pack my sports uniform, the main thing is not to forget anything. I think everything will go great, after the training I will definitely lie in a hot bath, so that everything doesn't hurt so much tomorrow. Although it will still hurt.

Have a great day everyone!




